Chapter Ten: Night Terror

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Another month had passed and it was now winter break. All of the students had gone home, but you had stayed at the school. You didn't want to go home, and it's not like you could anyway. During that month, you had returned to all your classes, including Curses and Death Traps.

The first day, Lady Lesso walked with you to her classroom and made sure that you were okay. She had you sit at a desk near the door to the classroom, which was also in front of her desk. She did so to make sure that if you needed to take a break, you could without drawing much attention to yourself. Most of the days you were fine, Hester hadn't been seen since the incident, and none of the students dared to question what had happened to the girl.

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    Screams had ripped Lady Lesso from her sleep. Looking at the clock on her bedside table it read 2:08 AM. Pulling the duvet off herself she threw on a jumper before leaving her room. She followed the screams to your room, knocking and she didn't get a response. Proceeding into your room, she found you thrashing in your bed. Moving to your side, she sat on your bed, gently pulling you into her arms. "Y/N darling, I need you to wake up for me." She said quietly as to not startle your already frightened state. Shooting up, you pull away from Lesso, curling into a ball, as sobs wracked your small frame. "Hey darling, you're okay." You hear lesso's soft voice pulling you from your thoughts. Looking up you see her blurry silhouette, moving to hug her. She opens her arms, slightly surprised that you would want physical contact after this nightmare. Your arms wrap around her waist as your face sits in the crook of her neck. "Shh, it was just a bad dream. Just a dream, okay? None of it was real." She says as your body molds into hers. Her fingers tracing patterns on your back as she strokes your hair. "It felt so real, like I was back in that house." "But you aren't, you're here and you're safe." "Nothing I have tried has helped with this. I just need to learn to accept the fact that sleeping will always be a nightmare for me. Literally." You explain, your voice hoarse. "I am here, and I will help you through these. You don't have to fear sleep. I will come to you if you need me to. We will work through these together." The redhead replies softly.

    The two of you spend a few minutes in a comfortable silence. You focus on your breathing, Lesso whispering sweet nothing in your ear. "Darling, you should try and get some sleep." "I'm exhausted... but there's no chance I'm going back to sleep after that." You reply, looking down. "Why don't we get you out of this room, hmm? You can stay with me for the rest of the night." "No, it's alright, really. I'll be fine." Lesso just gave you an unamused look. "Little one, I know that you feel you're a burden to me, but you're not. I wouldn't suggest it, if I didn't want it, alright." You hesitantly nod your head asking if Orion could come with. The dean agreed, picking you up, your legs wrapping around her waist, arms around her neck. You call Orion and he follows the two of you out of your room and down the hall to Lesso's.

Lesso places you down on her bed before moving to her wardrobe, eliciting a small whimper from you, from the loss of contact. Smiling softly, she takes out a jumper and a pair of silk shorts, before giving them to you. "You can go ahead and shower, I'll be right here waiting for you." You silently move towards her bathroom, stopping by the door. Turning back, you see Lesso sitting with Orion on the couch he decided would be his bed for the night. You smile to yourself,   his head was resting on her lap as she pet him. Looking back towards you, you blush and look down as you had been caught, drawing out a raspy laugh from the older woman. "Hot." You thought to yourself, forgetting that she could read your thoughts.

After showering you leave the bathroom in the jumper and shorts Lesso had given you. The redhead looked at you before smiling, "You look cute in my clothes." She says, a blush covering your cheeks, you whisper a small "thank you", before making your way to her bed. The duvet was pulled back, Lesso sitting on one side of the bed. Getting into the bed, you lay down, facing the blue eyed dean.

This was the first time you had seen her without makeup, and she looked ethereal. She had freckles covering her nose and cheeks that you hadn't seen before because of her makeup. "What are you looking at, my darling?" She asked. "An angel." You respond, causing a blush to cover the older woman's face. Basking in the soft moment, Lesso gently pulled you to her. Gently, she placed a kiss on your forehead. You hide your face in her neck, arms wrapping around her waist as your legs intertwine with hers. "I really love holding you, my darling." "I think I forgot what human contact feels like." You admit, sleepily. "Sleep now little one, you're safe with me."

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