CHAPTER 1: awakenings

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(jaune POV, crimson light)

all i see is darkness, however i can feel myself regaining conciousness and when i opened my eyes, i see that i'm in a room that looked...futuristic and unfamiliar to me as i started to have a painful headache

jaune: (groans) my head. what happened?

i questioned

???: i don't know, but good thing i saved your life back when i found you.

as i heard the feminine voice, i slowly turned my head around and see a gorgeous alien girl with unusual clothing, a emo-like haircut, and light-pink skin as she was smiling at me

as i heard the feminine voice, i slowly turned my head around and see a gorgeous alien girl with unusual clothing, a emo-like haircut, and light-pink skin as she was smiling at me

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ash: hi.

jaune: G'AH!!!!

i screamed as he fell out of the bed he was on, but was shocked even more when i see my left arm is replaced with a robot arm

ash: hey, it's ok. i'm noy gonna hurt you.

she said as she helped me up back on the bed

jaune: where am i?

i asked as i looked at ash

ash: on the crimson light, me and my brother's ship.

she answered as she looked at me with a answer-searching face

ash: what happened to you before i saved you?

she asked as i was trying to remember, but all i got are headaches

jaune: i don't....i can't remember? why can't i remember anything?

i asked to myself as ash pieced the situation togethor

ash: you have amnesia.

she said, making me look at her

jaune: i have what?

i asked

ash: amnesia, also know as memory lost your memories.

she said in a sympathetic tone as she sees me was crying at what ash told me, so she hugged me to calm myself down

after ash calmed i down, i met her brother Fox, then tribore as he asked me to join the resistance, which i accepted so that someday i'll get my memories back in the future, and i hope they're good ones

(back on remnant, Ozpin POV)

after ozpin saw the footage of jaune fighting off a horde of grimm in the emerald forest and when he sees the recording of jaune losing his left arm by a beowolf, he grew furious as he couldn't take it anymore at what his students put him through, even when he was replaced by his twin sister June after he was disowned and expelled. when ozpin told glynda to call the students, and the arc family to go to the ampitheatre, he revealed that they were decieved and lied to by cardin when ozpin told glynda to show them the recording of jaune killing that ursa and saving his life.

once the students saw the recording, they, even teams RWBY, JNPR, and the Arc family felt really guilty and wanted to find jaune so they can be forgiven, but their hopes died down when port and oobleck brought in jaune's severed left arm, making them form tears in their eyes until everyone eventually broke down crying in regret and devastation at knowing that jaune is ''dead'', even Nicholas Arc felt guilty at realizing his mistake of disowning jaune and he also broke down crying

June decided to become a Temporary leader of team JNPR until jaune came back because she knows in her heart that he's still alive and when he does come back, she'll give crocea mors back to him and leave beacon until the time comes

after team CFVY saw the recording, they left beacon to find jaune, knowing that he's still alive out there, hiding in the shadows, but little do they know that he is alive, but he won't be the same once they see him again

end of chapter 1, hope you liked it.

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