CHAPTER 5: Friends & a sister?

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we see jaune walking around the school until he stumble upon the cafeteria building and entered it. as he looked around the room, the students were looking at him in shock, but didn't say anything to not trigger any bad memories until they see jaune have a headache

after he had his headache, he stumbled onto the ground and started to remember the food fight he was in with team RWBY until the headache stopped and looked at the students

jaune: was i in a food fight here?

he asked to the students, making them cringe at what he said as he got back up and left the cafeteria

jaune: (thinking) maybe those two teams have answers on what i remembered, since they obviously seem to know me so well.

he thought as he walked towards the academy dorms

(in team RWBY's dorm)

we see team RWBY and JNPR sitting on the beds as they hear phyrra crying in the bathroom, having faces filled with regret at knowing jaune having amnesia might be their punishment for betraying him, or atleast they were until they heard knocking on team RWBY'S dorm as they hear a familiar voice

jaune: can i come in?

as they heard his voice, ruby walked to the door and opened it as jaune entered the room and sat down

jaune: was i in a food fight here?

as they heard that, phyrra rushed out of the bathroom and hugged jaune, making him confused

jaune: who are you and why are you hugging me?

as phyrra heard jaune ask those questions, she rushed back into the bathroom and started sobbing, making jaune confused even more

jaune: was it something i said?

he asked as june sighed

june: yes, she used to have a crush on you before we thought you were dead.

she lied, not wanting jaune to get his bad memories back as her team and team RWBY realized why she said that as they nodded at jaune

jaune: ok, well i'm not dead as it seems. also back when i said my name, you hugged me and said that ''i'm back''...what did you mean by that and why do you have my eyes and hair color?

june; that's because you're my brother.

she said, making jaune's eyes widen

jaune: so you're supposed to be my sister?

he asked as june nodded

june: yes, but you have 6 more sisters, a sister in law and a nephew.

she said, making jaune shocked at knowing that he has a big family and that he's an uncle

jaune: wow, i don't why i would forget about that, but it might come back to me someday.

he said as team RWBY, ren, nora and phyrra (who left the bathroom again) started telling jaune about stuff he needed to know, like his good memories before cardin screwed everything up and once they were done, jaune smiled at what he was told, got up and walked to the door

weiss: where are you going?

she asked as jaune turned around, looking at her

jaune: just thought of walking around ''vale'' with my girlfriend ash, might go eat at a restaraunt or something like that.

he said as he opened the door and left, making phyrra look down in sadness as ren patted her back as the screen went dark

end of chapter, hope you liked it.

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