CHAPTER 3: A sad, forgotten reunion.

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(jaune POV)

after me and the resistance set up base in the outskirts of vale, we see ash laying on my lap until mike came in

jaune: what is it, mike?

i asked to one of my crew member

mike: you know that place where we set up our base nearby when we got here?

he asked to me as my girlfriend got up from his lap

jaune: yes, from what i remember it's called vale, why do you ask?

i asked

mike: because it's being under attack by a horde of black monsters the locals call ''grimm''. how i know, i got a transmission saying they need help.

he answered as me and ash's eyes widen as we left our room to get ready to help save vale from those red eyed black & white hellbeasts

(in vale)

we see teams RWBY & JNPR being outnumbered by the grimm as they started to run out of ammo for their weapons

yang: welp, guess we'll die.

she said as everyone gave her some ''WTF'' looks as phyrra and june got sad at what she said about the word ''die'', which made them think about jaune and how sorry they felt until they see a large ship with the letter ''R'' on the front of it, crashing into the grimm horde, killing most of them except a beowolf as it spoke in grimm language

beowolf: (laughs) i made it.

the grimm cheered until it was crushed as the large ship's door, revealing tribore and a battalion of resistance soldiers

(like this)

as they see tribore and the resistance, the troopers charged out of the ship and started shooting at the beowolves with teams RWBY & JNPR staring at them in awe, especially ruby as she was staring at their weapons with big adorable eyes

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as they see tribore and the resistance, the troopers charged out of the ship and started shooting at the beowolves with teams RWBY & JNPR staring at them in awe, especially ruby as she was staring at their weapons with big adorable eyes

weiss was dumbfounded at seeing an unknown military group carrying actual laser guns

june then sees the crimson light appear in the sky as the ramp opened, revealing purrogi, mike, fox, ash and me (in my armor) jump out of the ship with a cool action pose

jaune: let's kill these hellbeasts!!!!!

i said as i activated my robot arm's sword, pulled out my pistol as me and my crewmates started killing the grimm in our own way

ash used her powers to blow up the ursa's and beowolves heads off, which made nora puke at what she witnessed

fox used his machine gun-arm to shoot at a deathstalker's face, thus killing it with purrogi assisting him when he shot a beowolf through the head as it was about to pounce on to him

i was slicing and dicing through the last of the grimm with my robot arm's sword until i saw a ursa behind me and i decapitated it in a familiar way as me, my crewmates and the resistance cheered that we saved vale from these invaders


we turned around as we see ruby, her team and team JNPR running towards us until fox and some troopers blocked their way, making ruby and nora scared at seeing fox

jaune: it's ok fox, they're just...i really don't know who or what they're supposed to be exactly.

i said as june walked up and said

june: well thanks for helping us, but who are you people?

she asked as i removed my helmet, making june, ruby, phyrra and the others with them shocked and started to tear up

jaune: my name is jaune arc, and we're the resistance.

i said as ruby and june tackled me and started crying on my armored chest

june: YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!

she cried happily as i started to get confused

jaune: um, do i know you?

i said, making teams RWBY & JNPR shocked at what i said as june stopped crying and looked at me

june: what do you--what happened to your arm?!

she exclaimed in shock as she and the others saw my robot arm

ash: wait, you know who my boyfriend once was.

after phyrra heard her say that, her heart broke in a million pieces as i got up

jaune: look, i don't know how you people know me but when ash found me, she said that i have amnesia, or to simplify it... memory loss. but after i joined the resistance, i chose to continue to find out who or what i once was when i remembered my home planet's name and here we are saving you and then she tackled me saying that ''i'm back'' while crying...literally.

i explained as june was tearing up

june: so, you don't know who we are?

she said as she was about to cry

jaune: i'm afraid not, but hopefully i'll remember.

i said, making june cry onto ren as he hugged her and as her teammates and team RWBY lowered their heads in sorrow, knowing that the lovable goofball is gone and replaced with a galactic resistance fighter

mike: so, can you take us to your leader?

he said, making me, ash, my crew and the resistance deadpan at what he said

weiss: (sigh) we have councils but we'll take you to our headmaster.

she said as tribore walked up

tribore: good, i want to discuss some things to him about forming an alliance.

teams RWBY & JNPR:

as tribore noticed their faces, he got confused

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as tribore noticed their faces, he got confused

tribore: what? you know what. never mind, just take us to this headmaster or something.

he said as the troopers got back into the ship they came out of, teams RWBY & JNPR followed me and my crew to the crimson light and we flew up to the skies and headed to beacon academy as the screen went dark

end of chapter, hope you liked it.

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