CHAPTER 10: decisions.

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(jaune POV)

after i killed my dad, i started to feel guilty after hearing my mom and sisters cry in devastation before i left on my speeder bike and as i arrived at my ship, the crimson light, i ran inside the ship, then ran towards me and ash's room (of which we are sharing) and started sobbing, like how david (from camp camp) was crying after bonquisha broke up with him. Then my crewmates and ash heard me crying, but they didn't know what to do, so ash entered the room and sat down next to me

ash: is...everything ok?

me: (SOBS HARDER)!!!!

ash: ok, this was a mistake.

she said nervously as she got up from our bed, but before she left, i stopped sobbing and spoke up while trying to be calm

me: i killed my dad.

i said as my girlfriend stopped in her tracks with wide anime eyes and outside of our room, my crewmates were shocked as well that i did such a thing as ash turned around with a shocked face

ash: what did you say?

she asked as i sighed

me: you heard me, i killed my own dad earlier today and i started to regret it after i heard my mom and sisters crying when they entered the house.

i said

ash: but...why? i mean, he did deserve it for what he did to you but...still, why did you have to kill your own dad?

she asked again, but with tears in her eyes

me: after you told me the REAL reason on why i lost my memories and all that other stuff, which got me angry at my friends and former dad, it was all i felt and that's why i killed him, at first i enjoyed it but....i don't know what i am anymore.

i said sadly as ash started to feel sad for me as she walked towards me and hugged me

ash: i think you need to apologize to ''them''.

she suggested, and by ''them'', she means my old friends

me: are you sure? not after what they did to me?!

i asked as ash did the ''puss in boots'' eyes, which was so irresistable to me since she's my serepentian girlfriend

me: (groans) fine....but what about my family?

ash: that is up to you.

she said as she kissed me on my cheek, got up from my bed, and left the room as i started to think about what happened lately, from what i said to my friends before i left, then murked my dad as i looked at my crocea mors and shield

(beacon academy)

after june got a call from her mom saying that nicholas was murdered, she was devastated that he died, but deep down she was happy that he's gone from her life forever, nora was eating a lot of pancakes so she can die from diabetes, ren was in the closet crying his eyes out after he lost control of his semblance, but phyrra, well, she tried to hang herself, but she couldn't because her parents would be devastated if they found out she committed suicide

but for team RWBY, ruby and yang were crying on their pillows, thinking about what jaune said to them as weiss was blowing A LOT of tissues with tears flowing from her eyes while blake was on the roof crying quietly

(outside of beacon academy, where the crimson light is parked, 5:00 PM)

as the crimson light's ramp lowered down, we see jaune exiting the ship as he took a look around and sees that it's almost nighttime, then walked towards beacon academy with two envelopes in his robot hand with teams RWBY & JNPR's names on them

end of chapter, hope ya'll liked it. Also, my birthday is on monday, january 9th.

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