CHAPTER 6: my family?

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(at a ramen shop, jaune POV)

me and ash were eating at a ramen shop while we were touring around vale and when me and my girlfriend tasted it, it was suprisingly good

ash: huh, it tastes just like the ramen back on earth.

she said while being suprised

me: yeah, i was thinking the exact same thing.

i said as me and ash looked at each other, then shurugged our shoulders as we said ''eh'' in unison and continued eating our ramen


i was sitting on a bench at beacon academy with ash hugging me while smiling in a cute way

(like this)

or atleast she was smiling until we got a call from fox and answered it

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or atleast she was smiling until we got a call from fox and answered it

fox: hey guys, ozpin says that he has a group here and he needs jaune to be in his office, the group says they know him.

he said as me and ash look at each other, then back at fox

ash: well if he goes, i'm going too.

she said as i smiled and fox shrugged his shoulders

fox: ok.

he said as he hung up and we head to the elevator, then ozpin's office to meet up with the people who know me for some reason

(in ozpin's office, jaune POV)

as our elevator arrived at his office, we left the elevator and walked in as we see a group of blondes, even a tan woman and baby with black hair having tears in their eyes as the older woman walked up to me as she cupped my cheeks

charlotte: jaune, is it really you?

she said while trying not to cry as i was confused at what's happening

me: i don't know how you know my name, but yes it's me. how do you know my-

i was cut off as charlotte and her daughters (exept june cuz she isn't with them) tackled me and started crying while nicholas stared at me while having tears of regret in his eyes

nicholas: (thinking) what june was true, my son does have amnesia.

he thought as he noticed ash, who was just as confused as i am

ash: ok, how do you know my boyfriend?

she said, making charlotte, her daughters, nicholas, saphron & her family stare at her in shock. then all of a sudden, ozpin showed up

ozpin: that's because they're your family, jaune.

he said as i was shocked that these people are my family until glynda showed up as well

glynda: or should i say ''former'' family.

she said while glaring at nicholas and as ash and i had shocked faces at what glynda said

ash: i'm sorry...what?

she asked in shock

ozpin: jaune, you were disowned months ago, before you had amnesia and when ash found you.

he said as ash started to get angry while trying to control her powers and then floated in the air

ash: why would you do that to him?

she asked while trying to hold in her anger as i glared at my ''former'' family, who had faces of regret and they started to explain why they disowned me as i got up and sat down on a chair

(which is telling jaune a fake story on why he was disowned by telling him that he was dead weight after he was trained to fight ONCE, then was left no choice but to be cast out of the family after they learned he ran away from home and went to beacon academy)

nicholas: ...after we heard you died after we saw your arm, my family knew that you were alive out there and if we found you, we wanted to make amends for what we did by making you a member of our family again.

charlotte: we're so sorry.

they said in total regret as i got up from my seat while hiding my eyes in a shadow, along with ash

(like this)

as we got up from our seats, we headed towards the elevator and before i stepped on, saphron grabbed my robot hand as i looked at her and sees she's about to burst into tears

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as we got up from our seats, we headed towards the elevator and before i stepped on, saphron grabbed my robot hand as i looked at her and sees she's about to burst into tears

saphron: are you gonna accept our offer of being an arc again?

she asked while her voice was breaking

me: ....i need some time to think about it.

i said with no emotion as me and ash stepped in the elevator as it closed and went down to the surface as the screen went dark

end of chapter, hope you all liked it after the long delay, i was working on the veterans day arc of ''the convergence'' and if you're new on wattpad and are a HELLUVA BOSS fan, i suggest you check it out. ciao!!!!

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