CHAPTER 11: the meeting & punishment.

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the next morning)

after teams RWBY & JNPR got the envelopes and opened them, the letters inside said this and it was in jaune's handwriting

Dear Teams RWBY & JNPR...

Come meet me at the crimson light, there's something i need to say to you about what happened yesterday

love, Jaune...

after they read the letters, they hoped it was an apology about what jaune said to them and when he sliced yang's arm off. so they walked to the crimson light and were met by Pawlynne & Mike, who are glaring at both teams in anger

Mike: follow us.

he said as the ramp opened up and everyone walked inside

(in the command bridge)

we see jaune on his chair, thinking about what to say to teams RWBY & JNPR and about how he acted yesterday with ash comforting her boyfriend, or atleast she was comforting him until Fox walked in

Fox: (sigh) they're here.

he said as jaune and ash see both teams walk in with faces of guilt

Jaune: ...hey.

June: ....(sniffs in sadness) hey.

they both said to each other as jaune looked at each of his former teammates, even team RWBY as well as he sees yang with a broken face and clutching on her right stub (which is where her arm used to be)

Jaune: ok, before i say anything to any of you, just tell me june...why did you take my place after i was expelled, even after this cardin was exposed about lying to all of you?

he asked as ash graven glared at both teams, or to be specific, June Arc as she started to tear up

June: ...on that moment i replaced you months ago, i wanted to fix our family name....but when ozpin showed us the truth, our family realized you did nothing wrong, we messed our family name up when we abandoned you and after everyone realized that we messed up, i changed my mind on becoming a temp leader until you came back....but i haven't been good at it because after many failed missions before you & the resistance showed up, i realized that i don't have the one thing you're good at: leadership skills, i'm a horrible leader.

she said as she started to cry on her knees

Jaune: what about ''your'' teammates?

he asked as they had looks of regret

Phyrra: jaune, i'm sorry i didn't help you back then, i was just trying to protect my reputation & after ozpin showed us the footage of you killing that usra and not cardin, i messed up. i'm sorry that i didn't say that i loved you back then. i'm so, so sorry.

she apologized as she also joined in to cry with june as nora & ren lowered their heads, even team RWBY

Ash: so it's just as we almost suspected.

she said, making team RWBY shocked, even june & phyrra (who stopped crying) and looked at jaune & ash

Jaune: besides me & june's mom, do any of your parents know about what you did to me?

he asked as they see his eyes are hidden in a shadow

Weiss: n-no.

she answered, but when jaune activated his comms, he said this

Jaune: Guards, come in.

he said as said guards entered the bridge

Ash: restrain them.

she ordered

teams RWBY & JNPR: WHAT!!!!???

they exclaimed in shock as the guards restrained both teams

Blake: Jaune, what's going on?!

she demanded while being afraid

Jaune; what's going on is that you're under arrest, all 8 of you, for crimes of abandoning me and giving me amnesia. i'm also telling your parents and, if ozpin agrees, telling everyone on this planet of what you 8 and everyone at beacon has done to me months ago, giving the students the punishment they deserve.

he said, making teams RWBY & JNPR eyes widen in fear

Ruby: you can't.

Ash: oh he can & will, and i'm pretty sure once we expose what beacon has done to jaune, the 8 of you will be blacklisted from entering any hunstman academy.

Jaune: and phyrra, you said you loved me right? well guess what, back then you had your chance, many chances at that!!!! i could've loved you if i had my memories of you in it back, but i'm sorry Phyrra, YOU AND I NEVER, EVER GETTING TOGETHOR!!!!


Phyrra: never?

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Phyrra: never?

she asked while her voice was breaking

Jaune: never...and one more thing june, i killed nicholas arc.

he admitted, making june shocked & heartbroken at what she heard her brother say

Jaune: now guards, take them to a cell in our base outside of vale & get them out of my sight.

he ordered while seething in anger as the gaurds escorted both teams out of the bridge, who were screaming in sadness about what jaune told them of what he's going to do next as he sat back down and pinched his nose in frustration

Jaune: I just can't believe it.

he said in frustration

end of chapter, hope ya'll liked it & sorry for not updating sooner, i was busy on writing ''the convergence''

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