CHAPTER 8: the truth (part 2)

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(jaune POV)

after i saw ash strangling june with her powers, i wanted to know what was going on

me: ash; why are you strangling my sister?

i asked as ash made an angry face

ash: it's because she and the rest of your former family lied to you about why they disowned you, i know because i overheard june's team and team RWBY what they said, i heard all of it.

she said angrily

me: well, what was it? what did they say?

i asked curiously, then ash began to explain everything to me on what she overheard, and i mean EVERYTHING as i hid my eyes and tightened my right fist

(like this)

as everone in beacon (except ash) saw my state, they began to be worried

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as everone in beacon (except ash) saw my state, they began to be worried

nora: jaune?

she asked

me: it true?

i asked as phyrra walked up to me with tears in her eyes

phyrra: (sniffs sadly) yes jaune, it is. but that was before ozpin showe-

she was cut off when i bitchslapped her across the beacon courtyard as she crashed onto the statue, then everyone (even ash) looked at me in shock


i yelled in uncontrollable rage, then the beacon students started to cringe in guilt at hearing what i said

yang: well, when you put it that way, it does sound like that what we did was wrong and unforgiva-

she was cut off as i ran up to her used my robot arm to slice her right arm off

yang: (cries in pain)

as everyone saw what i did to yang, i turned around and looked at them with pissed off eyes as the students, team RWB(Y) and JNPR backed away from me as i was walking towards them

weiss: look, jaune, we know that your REALLY mad but we were gonna tell you soon, swear to God.

she said in fear

me: swear to me.

i seethed as i turned my robot arm into it's gun mode and aimed it at them, but before i was about to shoot, my eyes widened as these words echoed in my head







After the words stopped echoing, i looked at what june is holding on her waist, then looked at ash

me: ash, you said that june's weapon belonged to me first, right?

i asked to my girlfriend, who nodded, then i walked up to june and took her weapon away from her as i placed crocea mors on my waist, then glared at june, who was starting to cry

me: you may be my sister, but you don't deserve crocea mors, you never did. and as for all of you...

i trailed off as i looked at ren, phyrra, nora, RWBY (yes yang crawled over to them and weiss stopped her bleeding)

me: i wish we'd never met.

i said to them in anger as their hearts started to break apart when i said that sentence and then walked away with ash

me: make sure you contact tribore and our crew and let them know of what the students of beacon did.

i said to my girlfriend, who nodded

ash: ok, but what about you, jaune?

she asked

me: me? i got some unfinished business to take care of, starting with my dad.

i seethed at saying that name as we left beacon grounds

(ozpin POV)

as glynda, tribore and i looked at the scene from my office, i can see that tribore grew a face of disappontment and then looked at me

tribore: just to let you know, i'm not angry at your students, i'm just disappointed.

he said

me: (sigh) i know, i'm disappointed in them as well for what they've done.

tribore: but don't worry, despite from what you and assistant lady told me about jaune's time of being here, our deal as remnant being part of the resistance still stands.

he said as glynda smiled at tribore not saying ''the deal's off''

glynda: well, thanks for understanding.

she thanked

tribore: you're welcome. also after what happened to jaune months ago, what did you do with this team CRDL anyways?

he asked

me: simple, i notified their parents of what they've done and then i expelled them. from what i've heard is that they live in a motel in deep in vale.

he said as glynda then raised an eyebrow

glynda: why do you ask?

she asked to the alien resistance leader

tribore: because i know a guy who has a insanity avoidance companion who is also really annoying and will be perfect to mind-break team CRDL for the rest of their lives.

he said with a smirk as the screen went dark

end of chapter, hope you liked it

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