CHAPTER 13: forgiving June.

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(at the Arc family home)

we see jaune & ash standing in front of jaune's childhood home with jaune having a nervous expression on his face, of which ash noticed

Ash: don't worry, i'll be here for you.

she said, making jaune smile at her as they both walk towards the door and ash rang the doorbell

(in the house)

we see Charlotte walking towards the door while holding a tissue, due to her crying and blowing her nose after her husband's murder and as she opened the door, she sees jaune & ash

Jaune: hi mom. i came here to accept your offer on making me and arc again.

he said, making charlotte widen her eyes and then hugged her son while crying in joy, but when jaune's other sisters walked in and see their mom cry-hugging on jaune, they raised their eyebrows, wondering why their brother is here until ash told them why, which made them run to and hug their brother while crying in joy as well

(30 minutes later)

we see jaune, ash, & the arc family (excluding nicholas because he's dead) eating dinner togethor as a family, which made jaune remember some memories of having a family dinner when he was a kid and before he went to Beacon, then he sees his serepentian girlfriend laughing after something his mom told her

ash: (giggles) are you serious?

she asked while giggling

Charlotte: yeah, i'm serious. (frowns) but that was a long time ago.

she said sadly with a sad face, of which jaune noticed

Jaune: what's wrong?

he asked to his mom

Charlotte: nothing, just thinking about hearing June, your old teammates and team RWBY getting arrested a while back.

she said, making jaune & ash cringe at hearing what charlotte said

Jaune: i think there's something i should tell all of you.

he said as he got up from his seat and began to tell something shocking to his mom & sisters

(with June & the others, at the resistance base)

we see june comforting a crying phyrra. as for why phyrra's crying, well her parents heard what she did and they came to her cell and disowned her as punishment for what she did to jaune, then June sees a resistance trooper walk in and towards JNPRs cells, opened it and grabbed June


she yelled as the trooper looked at her

Resistance Trooper: because jaune's letting you and ONLY you go.

he said, making June's eyes widen in joy and started tearing up

June: really?

she asked

Resistance Trooper: yeah, all i'm doing is taking you to him.

he said as they continue walking

(french voice: later)

now we see Jaune waiting for his twin until he sees a resistance trooper and June walk outside of the base

Resistance Trooper: i'll leave you two alone.

he said as he re-entered the base, leaving Jaune & June looking at each other

Jaune: hey.

he said

June: hey.

she said while wiping a tear from her left eye

Jaune: i don't know if there's a existence, to describe how terrible i felt for arresting you and the others.............(sigh) what i'm saying is that i'm very sorry for how i've treated you after learning the truth you kept from me. i understand why you had to lie to me, you just didn't want to lose me again like before and.....(Hugs June) i forgive you.

as he hugged June & forgave her, she started crying loudly in joy

inside the base, we see Jaune & Ash's crewmates (including Fox) having smiles on their faces after overhearing Jaune & June's conversation

then as june calmed down, she asked her twin brother this question

June: but what about the others, are you going to forgive them?

she asked as jaune deadpanned

Jaune: after what they've done to me, never happening.

he said as he hugged June again

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