CHAPTER 4: return to beacon.

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after jaune and his crew let teams RWBY & JNPR in the crimson light and the resistance fleet headed to beacon academy, which they've arrived at

we see the students gather around as they see the crimson light and the resistance flagship the crimson light lands and the flagship docks the cliff

once the crimson light opens up, the first person who exit the ship is jaune, which shocked the students in disbelief and before they could say anything, they were suprised at seeing pawlynne, purrogi, fox, tribore and teams RWBY & JNPR, who told them that jaune has amnesia when they were the last ones to leave the ship

after the students were told that jaune has amnesia, they mentally decided to not screw up so that way jaune's memories of his torment and replacement won't come back as they look at jaune, his crew, and tribore in a distance, who are walking inside the academy and entered the elevator

(in ozpin's office)

as jaune, his crew, and tribore entered the office, they see ozpin, who dropped his mug and glynda, who fainted at seeing jaune alive and with a new look

ozpin: mr. arc?

he questioned in disbelief, making jaune confused

jaune: do i know you?

he asked as ash walked up

ash: headmaster, i already told teams RWBY & JNPR about what happened to jaune but i'll tell you that he has amnesia, or memory loss when i found him.

she said, making glynda stand back up after hearing that

glynda: so, he doesn't remember what happened before you found him?

she asked

fox: nope, he doesn't.

purrogi: but he'll get his lost memories back someday.

he said as pawlynne nodded

tribore: now, onto business. we're here to propose an alliance with jaune's home planet to join the resistance.

he said as ozpin raised an eyebrow

ozpin: what are you resisting?

he asked as tribore started a speech about the resistance

tribore: we're resisting the uprising, who is against the insurgency, who's resisting the rebellion who is also against the insurrection.

he said, making ozpin & glynda confused

glynda: ...what?

she asked in confusion as purrogi sighed

purrogi: we're also resisting against evil mercenaries and empires who threaten the innocent.

he said the ''long story short'' version

ozpin: why didn't he just say that?

he asked as pawlynne shrugged ''I don't know''

mike: but still, will you and all of remnant join the resistance.

he asked as he let out his hand

glynda: what's the catch?

she asked as mike face palmed on his helmet and sighed

mike: the catch is that if you do accept, we'll help in any major problem that needs to be solved, and i mean ''any''. will you join us?

he asked as he let his hand out again to ozpin, who shaked his hand and let go of it

ozpin: but i got to let the other councils know about our agreement first. until they decided to agree to join, feel free to roam around the academy as guests.

he offered as tribore smiled

tribore: thank you, and maybe my best soldier will get his memories back in the meantime.

he said, making ozpin & glynda pale up and freeze at hearing that

jaune: i just hope their good ones, i'll start by the teams i met earlier, come on guys.

he said as ash hugged jaune's arm as he and his crew entered the elevator, leaving ozpin, glynda and tribore in the office as the screen went dark

end of chapter, hope you liked it.

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