Kathrine Howard

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Kitty gingerly walked over to a table, her steps light and bouncy, she had a happy and fluttering smile, though she was struggling to keep it in place.

"Oi!" She turned to find a man staring at her, "I'll take another pint!" The man's words slurred together and Kitty sighed.

"Coming right up." She forced a smile and a nod.

She made her way over to the bar and grabbed a tankard full of mead. The man grinned at her as she placed it in front of him, "My, my my," He tutted, "aren't you a pretty one."

Kitty smiled and fiddled with the hem of her skirt, she really hated this job.

"Kathrine!" Mr Rossild called from his perch by the kitchen door, "Get your ass over here."

Kitty sighed and did as she was told, her brown hair was slightly curled and the pink tips stood out against her dark-coloured blouse that hung just a little too low for her comfort. But it was all part of the act.

"Yes?" She asked, carful to keep her tone light and respectful.

"You see that fellow over there?" Mr Rossild pointed to a handsome young soldier.

"The one with the red hair?"

"Yeah, uh," Rossild seemed to have forgotten what he wanted to say, "Oh yes! He just gave me a rather large tip, for your, uh, services."

Kitty could feel her face fall but she quickly plastered on a forced smile, "Of course he did."

"Oi!" Mr Roddild grunted, "Don't go giving me that shit."

"Yes sir." Kitty mumbled, and not bothering to say anything more walked over to the
red-headed man.

This was going to be a long and dreadful night, but Kitty forced herself to smile and flutter her eyelashes. The better she did, the more she got paid.

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