Anne Boleyn

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Anne, Jane, and Cath walked down the street. The other knight Cath was traveling with had gone off to do patrol and they hadn't seen her for around an hour. Anne was tired and she just wanted to go to sleep.

    So now they were walking back to Anne and Kitty's house, it wasn't necessarily nice but it was okay. Anne and Kitty shared a bedroom and they also had a guest room that Kitty had insisted Jane stay in. Kitty wasn't due home from work for another few hours even though the sun was beginning to set.

    "Oh! Can we stop by the library?" Jane asked, looking at the older building.

    "Do we have to?" Anne wined, but Jane was already walking in the other direction.

    Cath sighed but followed, leaving Anne to decide whether or not she wanted to follow them, or just walk home herself. She chose to follow them.

    Once in the library, Anne couched from the dusty smell, she really didnt like coming here. The shelves of books were cramped together in some areas and she had to maneuver through the small spaces. Anne tried to find Jane and Cath but the two older women seemed to have vanished. So she continued walking until she found herself in the children's section.

Anne had never read much as a child but she could still appreciate the work that went into writing a book. She had half a mind to pull one of the books off the shelf but a pair of bright blue eyes peering over a book caught her attention.

"Anne?" Cathy put the book down and stared at Anne.

"Hey." Anne awkwardly smiled, "What are you doing here?"



There was an awkward silence.

Cathy placed her book onto a table and stood, "Are you doing anything tomorrow?"

"No, why?" Anne really wanted Cathy to ask her on a date.

"I need your help with something," Cathy hesitated before continuing, "There's, um, this person who keeps following me, and I wanna find out who they are but I need a little help."

"Sure!" Anne spoke a little too fast, "I mean, I can help if you want, I also have a few friends who would be willing to."

"Okay." Cathy smiled, a plan formulating in her head, "Meet me in front of the library at eleven a.m."

"Okay!" Anne agreed.

"Bring your friends as well."

Anne nodded and Cathy smiled, walking out of the section they were in.

Just then Jane managed to find Anne, "Anne! There you are!"

Anne turned to look at her, "Are you doing anything tomorrow?"

"I don't think so, why–"

"Great! So we're gonna help my friend figure out whos been following them! Okay?" Anne didnt wait for a response, "Okay!"

"Wait-" Jane tried to calm Anne down a little bit.

"Nope! We are gonna go home now. Tell Cath."

Jane sighed but went to find Cath among the mass of books.

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