Kathrine Howard

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Kitty sat on the floor, she had a mix of emotions battling inside her. Fear, confusion, and a little bit of guilt. She had realized that Anne knew, she had realized that Anne did what she did to help her. This was all just– just unreal. But it was real.

    Kitty watched as the world around her and the other queens began to crumble. It looked like something out of a movie, the walls of her and Anne's bedroom fell away, leaving only white space. They were standing on a plane of white. They were the only colorful things in this strange space.

    "Shit." Anna spun around, "This can't be good."

    Jane sighed, "What do we do now?"

    Anne sat beside Kitty, "I don't know."

    They sat in silence for quite some time, no one knowing what to do or say. There was nothing any of them could do to escape the world of white that surrounded them– at least, not at the moment.

    Suddenly there was a loud pop and The Author stepped out of what seemed to be a crack in the white canvas around them, she looked disheveled, like she had gone through a great deal to get here.

    "Woah!' Anna jumped back, "How did you get here? I thought you were dead!"

    Kitty was confused about how Anna had come to the conclusion that The Author was dead but didnt bother to ask.

    The Author frowned, "I got better." She stumbled slightly but quickly reimagined her balance, her eyes shining with determination, "I can't stay for long, I can't risk letting the doorway close without me on the other side. But I need to try to get yall out of here."

    Cathy stepped forward, "How?"

    "Remember how you saw me walk through a wall?"

    "How did you–"

    "Best not to question how I know." The Author cut the stunned queen off, "That's not important, but what is important is what I said in order to walk through the wall." She took a breath, "Crimson, eleven, delight, petrichor."

    Cathy frowned, "What does that mean?"

    "It's the key, the key to opening the doorway."

    "But I tried saying that and it didnt work."

    The Author spoke quickly, "You have to think it! Not just say it. If you all think it and only think it, then– then you might have a chance of surviving." The Author looked at the crack she had entered through, which was getting smaller and smaller, "I have to go, just remember: think it, think it and you might live."

    The Author jumped at the crack as it closed, leaving the six stunned queens to follow her instructions on their own.

    "Quickly!" Jane took charge, "Do as she says!"

    Kitty closed her eyes and pictured the four words in her head.

    Crimson; the color of blood.

    Eleven; her eleventh birthday.

    Delight; when she was little and a butterfly landed on her hand.

    Petrichor; the smell of dust after rain.

Suddenly there was a flash of light and the white around her faded, Kitty had the urge to scream, but she didnt. She watched as the world around her was replaced with trees and a sidewalk.

The first thing she noticed was the colors, so many bright colors! She gasped and rubbed her eyes, there were so many of them, and they were so prominent!

Now, my dear reader, you may recall that Ms. Howard is from a book and that she only knows what I have described to her. It is downright impossible to describe a color! Just think about it; what does a color look like? What does it smell like? Taste like?
How do you put that into words?

Judging from the look on your face I believe that it is safe to say; you don't have a clue either.

    After a few minutes of being completely amazed, Kitty finally looked around. There were large concrete buildings reaching towards the sky, they towered over everything and cast the sidewalk into shadow.
    So, here she was, in the middle of New York, along with five other fictional characters. What were they meant to do? That, my dear reader, is quite simpal.

    Six queens, all from a book, one of whom knows magic. They are going to write a musical. What this musical is called, well, I think you already know. But for my friends who are from another planet or have no concept of phenomenal things, it is called Six.

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