Cathrine Parr

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The second The Author vanished Cathy grabbed her coat, intent on following the teen. Cathy wanted to know where she was going, and more importantly, if she was all she said she was.

    "Where are you going?" Anne asked as Cathy reached for the door handle.

    "Back to the library." She lied, "I want to look farther into 'Authors.'"

    "Alrighty." Anne sat down, content with Cathy's answer.

    Jane smiled warmly at the blue queen, "I trust you will be staying here again tonight?" She gestured at the pub.

    "I believe so, yes." Cathy didnt stay any longer and was out the door.

    Once on the street, she looked for The Authors cloak, it being rather noticeable with stars and moon stitched onto the hem.  It took her a second but Cathy quickly spotted the younger girl.

    She followed The Author into an alleyway. A lamp post dimly lit the small space, but the light was just enough for Cathy to watch as The Author stopped in front of a sign hanging at the end of the ally. Cathy was careful not to be seen and crouched behind some boxes.

    The Author touched the sign and then closed her eyes, whispering a few words under her breath as she did so, "Crimson, eleven, delight, petrichor."

    After these words were repeated a few more times The Author's hand sank into the wall. Cathy nearly gasped but stopped herself just in time. The Author stepped forward, into the wall. She was enveloped in purple glitter before vanishing completely.

    Cathy stayed still for a moment, waiting to see if anything would happen. When nothing did she slowly walked toward the wall. She ran her hands along the brick, wondering if it was some sort of a portal.

    Cathy tried saying what The Author had, "Crimson, eleven, delight, petrichor."


    She tried it again.

    Still nothing.

    Cathy grunted in frustration. Sadly, she wasn't going to be getting through that wall tonight. It was as firm as ever. She was amazed and annoyed, why must this Author be so vague? Cathy would love to learn her secrets. But that was unlikely.

    So, the disappearance of the young girl still fresh in her mind, Cathy walked to the library. For, what she had told Anne wasn't entirely a lie.


    Now, dear reader, yes, it is I. The Author is currently speaking to you. And I must say, it is weird writing myself into The Book. I am very glad that I don't have to give my physical features though... God, I hate my appearance. But that's not the point.

    You are potbelly wondering when I will introduce the problem of this plot. Every story has a problem, otherwise, it would just be an essay. But don't worry, this is no essay, the problem is a great one. Sadly, I do not know what it is.

    As I mentioned before, the plot has changed now that I am in it. I know what the intended problem/climax was, but I can say that that will not come to pass. So, now we sit and wait.

    God, how I hate waiting. Waiting is boring, it's like doing something, only your doing waiting. And waiting is boring. But we have to.

Correction: I have to. You do not.

Reason: Time does not work in the same why when you read a book vs. when your in it.

So, dear reader lets skip to the climax.

~sup peeps? I just wanna say that when I write a part like a just did that it's from The Author I am talking as her, cuz she is writing the book and shit. So yeah... thanks for reading this far~

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