Jane Seymour

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Jane was walking through town, it had been a while since she had been shopping and she had volunteered to get groceries for her brother. Now, as she waked down a narrow street she saw a woman in a blue coat run out of a pub, and another, younger, lady open the door and stare after her.

"Anne?" Jane walked closer, reconising the womans green cloak.

"Jane! Why are you here?" Anne looked at Jane, and Jane noticed a hint of red on her cousions cheeks.

"I'm visiting Thomas. I thought you lived a few towns over?"

"Yeah, um, me and Kitty sorta moved."

Jane walked closer and Anne gestured for her to come inside the pub. They walked in and Jane immediately noticed Kitty sitting at one of the tables.

"Kitty!" Jane hugged her younger cousin.

"Hey Jane!" Kitty seemed a little surprised but hugged her back.


Jane looked up at the sound of the familiar voice, she looked over to where two knights where sitting at a table, one had risen and Jane immediately reconised her, "Catalina!" Jane smiled and practically tackled Cath with a hug.

Cath smiled and gave Jane a kiss on the cheek, "I missed you."

"Me too." Jane pecked her girlfriend on the lips.

"Plot twist!" The other solider laughed, "I didnt know you had a girlfriend, Cath."

"So this is the infinumus Cathrine of Aragon." Anne looked at Cath, "Weve heard a lot about you." Her and Kitty teased.

"Your the cousins?" Cath asked, she looked at the one she assumed was Anne, and decided she didnt like her.

"Yep." Kitty smiled.

Jane grinned, "Good for you to finally meet!Catalina," Anna laughed at the nickname, "this is Anne and Kitty." Jane introduced them.

"Catalina, eh?" Anna looked at Cath.

"Shut up." Cath grunted.

During this interaction none of them noticed a cloaked figure enter the pub. The person stayed quiet and took a seat at a table in the corner, keeping their head down, not allowing anyone to see their face. They pulled out their book ad began to write.

I could tell you what they are writing, I do have that power after all. But, dear reader, the key word in that sentence is could, I could do a lot of things, but could is a long way from required.

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