Cathrine Parr

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The next day Cathy waited in front of the library, she was doubtful that Anne would show, but she tried to remain optimistic. Soon enough Anne appeared from the crowd of pedestrians.

"Hello!" She ran over and Cathy noticed that she was wearing a black fedora and coat.

"What are you wearing?" Cathy looked Anne up and down, "You look like Sherlock Holmes."

"I know!" Anne beamed, "I thought it was the right look for the occasion."

"Annie! Don't go so fast!" The girl Cathy recognized as Kitty walked up beside Anne, she looked out of breath.

"Sorry not sorry, hun."

Kitty scowled but didnt say anything more. Soon enough three other people joined their small group.

"Cathy, this is Jane," Anne pointed at a blonde lady with a warm smile, "Cath," She pointed to a soldier, "And Anna." She looked at another, with darker skin and red eyeshadow.

"Why are you even here?" Kitty addressed Anna.

"I was bored." Anna shrugged.

"Okay..." Cathy paused, wondering what to tell them, "I trust Anne said why you are here?"

"Yep!" Jane smiled, "We're glad to help."

"Great!" Cathy grinned, "So, here's the plan."


About an hour or so later the queens all sat on the steps of the pub where Kitty worked. They had tried to get the person to show up but it was no luck.

"Okay," Cathy stood, "Time for plan G."

Kitty frowned, "Don't you mean plan B?"

"No, we've already tried that."

"What about plan C?"

"That was the desperate disguise attempt we did half an hour ago."

"How about D, E, and F?"

"I rather not use those, Anne dies in all three."

Cath grinned, "We should use one of those."

"No thank you." Anne rolled her eyes.

Cathy smiled, "Are we ready for plan G?"

"Alright." Anne stood, "Let's get started then."

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