(16) Cruise Begins

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1 month later,

Everyone was gathered at port, Bucky seen Lexie at her car getting out her luggage. 

"Here let me help." He said 

"I don't need help especially from you." She said as she slammed her trunk and walked off dragging her suitcases. 

Kelly Jo gave Lexie her passport, as she stopped where everyone was gathered. They were going on a Carinival cruise from NY to Belize. 

"Don't be rude Lexie. I saw the attitude." Kelly Jo said 

She just rolled her eyes, and took her passport and ticket. When they were finally able to board the ship, Lexie left the group to find her suite. She locked the door, and laid on her bed. 

The next day was their first full day of the cruise, and she spent it locked in her room. She listened to music, watched Netflix. Nobody saw Lexie until it was dinner time that night. After dinner despite Kelly Jo's threats she went back to her bedroom. 

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