Past trauma

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here some music to play^

Third person POV

Y/n and max were only 9 years old when they got put into an adoption place. Their parents would yell at each other for stupid reasons and sometimes it would get to intense they would throw food, cups, and chairs, at each other.

Y/n and max would often hide in their room with the door locked and hiding under their beds waiting for it to stop. They would fight on a daily.

They would get abused and would often have bruises and sometimes cuts around them, so that caused them to flinch whenever someone raised they're hand, gone for a handshake, or tried to hug them.

The dad was an alcoholic and the mom was on drugs and they both didn't care almost at all about their children. Sometimes Y/n and max would go days without eating because there was never and food, and if there was it would be nasty.

Until one day Y/n and max had enough and decided to run away even tho they were only 6

They got there back packs and put stuff that meant a lot to them like, their stuffed animals, pictures of their old pet that passed away, they were smart enough to actually pack clothes.

So that night they waited till their parents fell asleep and jump out of the window, it was a ground floor window so they were okay.

It wasn't long till 2 cops saw them and asked them questions and saw all the bruises and cuts. Since they were so little they didn't know what to say and just shrugged. but they had to tell the cops something like were they lived and they brought them home.

When they got back to their house the police knocked on the door and after about a minute it finally opened. It was the dad and he was drunk like always and the mom was just sleeping on the couch. the house was a mess and has moldy food on the table, and the counter filled with dirty dishes.

They asked the dad questions and their dad lied about almost everything how, they get fed, they take care of them, and how life was almost perfect. But by the looks of it in there house they didn't believe him.

The cops searched the house for about 1 hour and found around 27 empty pill bottles and 15 empty bottles of beer under the parents bed.

The police knew they couldn't keep the kids there and decided to put them into an adoption agency.

That was around 7 years ago although their still very triggered but it.

bro only 543 words? i gotta step up my game

November 18th 2022

Sorry it's a really short and terrible😭 i just barely know how to write and make a good story. This story is probably gonna be really cringy but i'm just learning how to write and everything so.... Anyways, give me ideas of what i could add to the next story or if i should do a different ST character x Y/n, i'll be taking suggestions:)
Uh- hope you enjoyed reading about what you and max went through as a kid?💀


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