3. New school

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up to max shaking me awake
"Wake up, its time to get ready for school" she says, I groan putting a pillow over my face nervous about how it'll be.

"c'mon get up, i'm gonna go get ready" max says while giggling, she walks out of my room to go do whatever.

I get up couple seconds later when she leaves I grab one of the outfits I bought at the mall yesterday.

I put on my striped green and black sweater and jeans I got yesterday I get my backpack and put on my shoes

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I put on my striped green and black sweater and jeans I got yesterday I get my backpack and put on my shoes

I go downstairs to see Max already eating "Morning" I smile, she smiles back "good morning." I eat waffles and Max has pancakes, I somehow finish before her, ig she's just a slow eater.
I go upstairs to brush my teeth and haft way brushing my teeth Max comes and brushes hers, I comb my hair and wait with mom for Max. my mom is driving is since we don't know where it is.
We haven't seen it yesterday while riding around but once after mom drives us we'll know where it is, Max comes down and my mom says
"you ready?" "mhm" she says and we get in the car driving to our new school
"you guys look like your gonna cry" she chuckles "are you nervous?"
"very" me and Max both say in sync

couple minutes later we arrive and me and Max both get out of the car "have nice day I love you" mom says to me and Max, we both smile nervously and start walking in.

Mikes POV:

I was walking into school with the party until I see two girls I didn't recognize. One of them had h/c h/l hair and beautiful e/c eyes that reflected from the sun.
The other girl had firey red hair with bright blue eyes,
the redhead was also pretty to but the girl with the h/c hair really caught my attention she was just so pretty. I think she saw me staring at her and she just smiled and waved, I froze, I was kinda embarrassed that she just saw me staring directly at her
but I managed to smile back and wave

"Mike...?" "MIKE" I schnapp (A/n:hehe) back into reality "what?" I ask "you were zoning out?"
Dustin says "oh- I-I was just thinking about something." my face was turning pink, Dustin and Lucas look at each other and shrug

Y/n's POV:

Me and max started to walking to the school when I see a boy with black hair staring at me, he was with other boys one with curly brown hair, a dark skinned boy, and the shortest one with well- a-uh bowlcut... BUT it suited him and he looked pretty cute BUT NOT IN THAT WAY
I don't know what to do so I just wave at him and it takes a couple seconds for him to wave back
I just shrugged it off and continued to walk with max inside.

We were both waiting in the office for our schedule it only took 10 minutes and with that we went to our first class, it was science with a teacher named... Mr. Clarke?

we walked into science class and were going to our seats when Mr. Clarke stopped us

"Ah you must be our new students, everyone this is, Y/n and Maxine" he said while we just both kept our heads down avoiding any eye contact.

"It's max" Max spoke up "i'm sorry?"
"no body calls me Maxine. It's max"
"My apologies" Mr. Clarke said.

We both go to our seats in the way back of the class, while walking to my seat I decided to quickly look around the classroom and then I saw him. The boy who was staring at me out of the school, I sit down in my seat and see That boy and his friends just staring at me and Max

(Skip to the end of class)
Still Y/n's POV:

Finally the end of class. I grabbed my back and threw it over my shoulder when suddenly I got stopped by that same boy.

"Hey" he said "Hi...?" I said confused
"I-I'm Mike short for Michael" he sticks out his hand for me to shake
"Hey nice to meet you i'm Y/n" I say shaking his hand and looking confused
"Would you and Max wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch?" he asks "sure why not."
wow. a friend? THIS SOON? things are going pretty good so far in this new school

I walk outside of the classroom and find Max waiting for me "Hey" I say "2 boys named Dustin and Lucas ask me if I wanna sit with them and their two other friends at lunch
"oh. This kid named Mike ask me if i wanna sit with him at lunch" we look over at all 4 of them talking "you said yes right?" I ask Max "yea I did" "yea me to." we say kinda regretting it.

Me and max had different classes so we had to part, I had math and Max had some coding class I think.

(skip to lunch because i'm to lAzY)

Mikes POV:

Finally it's lunch I think to myself
I walk out and meet up with Dustin, And Lucas "wassup Mike" Lucas says "Hey" I answer back "Where's will?" I asked "he had to quickly finish a worksheet but he should be out any second Dustin says "cool." I finish. a minute later Will comes out, "hey guys" Will says "wassup Byers" Lucas says. We go to the cafeteria and sit down with our tray, the cafeteria food was pretty gross ngl,
I see Max and Y/n, looks like they were trying to look around for us and then they spotted us. Dustin waved them over and they came and sat down "Hey" Y/n said "Hi" I answer back.

Y/n POV:

Me and max sit down with the boys, we don't know each we'll ofc because we just met but just to make things clear we introduced ourselves again "I'm Mike" "i'm Dustin" "I'm Lucas" " and i'm Will, you didn't really meet me because I had to stay back and finish a worksheet" "Y/n, and it's alr" "and im Max." we spent a lot of time at lunch talking about ourselves and laughing, it was really fun to make some nice new friends "Do you guys wanna all come to my house after school to hang out?" Mike asked, we all agreed.

Lunch was over in no time and we went to our next classes.

(skip to the end of the day)

Mikes POV:

school was finally over and I walk out of school and wait at the bike rack for the party. Lucas, will, then dustin came out while we're were still waiting for Y/n and Max, "do you think we should include them to the party?" I asked "lets
decide before you leave your house" dustin said, me and Lucas both agreed and right after that Y/n and Max came out, sorry for the long wait "it's no problem Lucas said."
we get on our bikes and noticed that Y/n and Max are just standing there looking kinda nervous, "you good?" I asked "I forgot we don't have bikes and we left our skateboards because our mom drove us here" Max said "It's fine, you can ride on the back of mine" Lucas said looking at Max "here hop on the back of mine" I said.

Y/n's POV:

Mike said I could ride on the backseat of his and Lucas said the same thing to Max, Max gets on the backseat of Lucas's bike putting her arms around his waist I smirk at seeing them
'ooooooooo' I think to myself, I slowly get on the back of Mikes back and put my hands on his shoulders, "Your gonna fall if you sit like that" Will said , I put my arms around Mikes waist,
I could tell Mike was blushing and I could also feel myself starting to blush. Why am I blushing? I don't like him, DO I?!??- NO I dont I only just met him. We start to ride to Mikes house and haft way through the ride I start to feel dizzy and woozy, every time he made a sharp turn it got worse, I think he heard me gag. "you okay?" he ask with concern "Yea im fine" I answer but then gag once more "Don't worry we're almost there" I try and not throw up and 2 minutes later, we're there. I got up from Mikes bike still feeling dizzy.

november 19th 2022

1503 words... damn

That was a lot for this chapter right? lol, i don't think it was to short, i'll try and keep all the chapters not to short.


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