1. moving to Hawkins

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Me and my twin sister max got adopted 7 years ago, our new parents are the best i love them so much but my dad was started to get into drugs and drinking and was starting not to care about me max or my mom me and max would get a little scared. Oh no not this again..

My mom was still a beautiful, caring, sweet, woman. before my dad could get any worse with his addiction my mom decided to leave him and get a different house, in a different town called Hawkins.

It was a small normal peaceful town, there were just some things off about it.

When we moved to Hawkins my mom got a nice small house to fit all 3 of us. It was a pretty cute house, it was white with a black roof and a dark brown door, It was a 2 story house all the bedrooms were upstairs and the kitchen and living room were downstairs there was 2 bathrooms one downstairs and one upstairs.

We all unpacked everything in our new rooms, my mom had already had to get job appellation to keep up with rent, and soon enough she was hired as a doctor which was really good.

she had gone to school and graduated and went to college with 5 years of university after that, everything seemed to be going perfectly.

Me and max wanted to go on our skateboards and ride around getting to know the town, of we told our mom we would be going out just so she doesn't worry.

we got our skateboard's and rode around the town talking and laughing and thinking about what our new school would be like. We we're very scared but didn't admit it. We saw the mall, an outdoor pool, the park, and 2 gas stations.

"Maybe we should go to the mall and get new clothes for school." Max had suggested.

"Yea that sounds like a really good and fun idea! let's go back and tell my we're gonna go to the mall to get new clothes and we'll be back in a couple hours."

We went back home to find mom making dinner, we told her we're going to the mall and we'll be back in a couple hours

"Okay be safe please, and i'll put some food away in the fridge for you girl" mom said

we nodded and got back on our skateboards and rode to the mall.

"I'm not gonna lie Y/n... i'm really scared for our new school, like what if we don't make any friends or we'll get bullied o-or everyone just stares at us like we're some nasty bugs-" she sounds like she's gonna have a panic attack but i cut her off.

"hey. everything's gonna be fine, you just gonna relax but right now let's just go to the mall and have a good time and get new outfits" i say trying to make her feel better, it worked
she smiled and nodded and we arrived.

November 18th 2022


holy shit this chapter is so short and i'm tryna make it longer 🥲


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