10. back together

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this chapter is just gonna continue off of the last chapter because idk it just works better

"Mhm.." I hum back, "I'm really sorry I couldn't like- yk, I wish I could've p-protected you more and i'm so stupid for letting you go- shh" I cut him of and put my finger on my mouth for him to calm down, then I put my hand on his and locked out finger and rested both our hands on my lap "it's okay, it's not your fault so please Mike do not blame yourself for what happened to me, really" I let go of his hands and lay down, and just seconds later he lays down next to me facing me, I face him and we're both laying on our sides facing each other and just stare into each other's eyes.

"Y/n... I... Missed.. You." Mike says sounding a little bit scared for what i'm gonna say next "I'm so sorry for hurting you I just- I don't know what was going through my head" He adds on while holding himself up with his elbow on the bed, and I just stare at him and smile a little bit trying not to laugh a little and he notices and looks at me "Why are you laughing what's so funny?" he chuckles a little and by this point I let out a little giggle and exhale "i'm so sorry for laughing it's just- I missed you to"  I say now laying on my back and blush a little bit. I look over at Mike and I see a little pink run across his face.

He comes closer to my face and stops and hesitates for a second and looks into my eyes, then back at my lips and closes his eyes and puts his lips on mine. I happily kiss back and it lasted for a while until the kiss got a little more heated...

we pulled away just for them to reconnect, I sat up we pulled back, he moved his back so it was against the wall as I lock to door and crawled on the bed and straddled him. We started making out and he slowly took off my sweater and I took off his jacket, We kept making out and I felt a bulge from under my pants, I rock my hips slowly back and forth making him groan into the kiss, he takes off my shirt and starts kissing my neck as I let out small moans and continue to rock my hips and he starts making hickeys causing me to let out small whimpers.

Just as everything was falling into place I heard a knock at the door, it startled both of us causing us to jump, I heard Max's voice "Y/n? can I come in yet, and why's this door locked?" Me and Mike both jump up and I quickly put on my shirt and use my hair to cover the hickeys on my neck. Mike throws on his jacket and me my sweater, he quickly jumps out my window as I shut it. I walk over to the door holding my hair against my neck and unlock it.

"Hey how'd it go, is he gone now?" she asked and took a glance around my room, I look behind me acting innocent and I look back at her "it went good, and I feel much better now." I say smiling still trying to cover the hickeys on my neck "Good to hear, I'll be in my room if you need me" she smiles, I nod and she goes and I close the door in front of me.

I walk over to my bed and flip on my bed letting out a huge sigh, then I hear my window opening I look and I see Mike letting himself in, I stand up and he walks over in front of me and we just stare at each other for a couple seconds until he speaks up.

"so uh-" he says rubbing the back of his head playing with this hair and looking at the ground "can we... start over?" I say looking into his eyes as he looks back at mine, "I'd love that" he smiles big and blushing, I smile a bit and we both lean in as our lips meet again.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he puts his hands on my waist. We pecked each other's lips a few times before pulling away, out noses are almost touching and we look at each other, I hug him and he wraps he's arms fully around me.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you Y/n I swear, it won't happen again, ever. I love you more then anything, I never wanna let you go." he whispers. I chuckle a little bit and he jumps a little bit, "what is it? wait... did I just say that out loud?!" he asks confused as we pull away with his hands on my waist and my arms still around his neck. "I love you to Mike" I smile and kiss him one more time before pulling away.

"Now I think you better go, it's late and we have school tomorrow" I say as we let go of each other, he nods "so i'll see you tomorrow?" "mhm" I hum back "I love you" I say "I love you more Y/n" he gives me a smile as we both blush and he heads out my window as I get ready for bed.

As I was getting ready for bed all I could think about was Mike, because of what happened earlier I couldn't stop blushing and smiling, when I showered, when I got dressed, when I brushed my hair and teeth, when I washed my face.

Max seemed to notice something was up because as I was combing my hair in front of the mirror she asked me, "Why are you so smiley all of a sudden?" "oh I- uh, w-well me and Mike kinda... kissed" I said while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, her eyes went wide. "Are you joking?" she looked at me dead in the eyes with a smirk, I just stared at her and looked back at the sink blushing "Y/N ARE YOU KIDDING YES OR NO" "NO... no... i'm not joking" I looked back at her smiling, then she squeals, "Y/n i'm so happy for you, so are you guys back together?" "I mean yea, I asked him if we could start over and he said he'd love that, so ig we're together again" I said smiling "I'm so happy for you Y/n, we'll i'm gonna go to sleep i'll see you tomorrow morning, goodnight love you" she said while she playfully hit my shoulder, "love you to, yea I think i'll go to sleep to" I say and we walk to our rooms.

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hey sorry to leave you hanging off the edge last chapter, but here you go, and sorry this chapter is not as long as the other ones, I just didn't really have any energy or time to write a new chapter but hopefully I'll have time a more energy soon, but I need ideas, thanks


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