11. what is school without Mike?

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Y/N's POV:

I hear my alarm go off as I slam hit a little bit to hard and accidentally breaking it, I quickly look over still haft asleep, I mumble to myself "shit" as I rub my forehead with my fingers.

Wooo the next day... of school.. without Mike, I mean I guess it's better that he's not here because it feels like it would be pretty awkward considering our short session last night and him just leaving immediately after that, so maybe i'll just ignore that and enjoy the day, without Mike here ofc, which would not be the same.

I lay there for about 5 minutes thinking about all that and a little more when I finally decided to get up and get ready for school.

I could've stayed home if I wanted to but I since Mike wasn't going I thought it be better if I just go because of the party, I throw the covers off of me and walk to the bathroom. I turn on the light squinting at how bright it is considering the fact I just got up.

I look in the mirror and I examined my face with my hands, red eyes, messy hair, and a fricking pimple under my right eye... ughhhhh seriously I lean my forehead against the mirror banging it a few times before I slowly bring my head back up and my hands back to my face to try and pop the pimple.

I squeeze it hoping it'll hell and then after a couple seconds of squeezing harder and harder, pus came out. Gross. I grab some kleenex and wipe the access off. There that should make it go away by at least before tomorrow.

I grab my face wash and put my hair back in a ponytail and a hand band, I wash my face and dab my face with a clean towel, I then take my hair down and take my hair brush and brush out my knots, and then I brush my teeth. As soon as i'm done, Max walks in and she looks not as bad as when I got up...
lucky hoe.

"Good morning" Max says and smiles at me, I say it back then leave the bathroom and go to get changed.

I pick out something I pick out a Bowie T, some black tight jeans, and a plad brown sweater like shirt thing to go over it.


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I put it on then go back to the bathroom and grab my makeup bag from the shelf, I put on mascara, cherry lip balm, and a little bit of dark brown eye shadow and do a smokey eye. I don't normally wear eyeshadow but just when i'm feeling like it.

I change and then pack my bag and walk to the front door to put on my shoes, as I was putting on my shoes Max walks down "Hey you ready?" she asked me already having her shoes on "yup just needa get my skateboard" I finish putting on my shoes and grab my skateboard, We walk out and then go to school.

2 minutes into skating to school 

"So what are you gonna do after school?" I ask Max "I- uhhhh I'll probably go to Lucas's tbh" she says and avoids eye contact as a huge grin appears on me, "So are like- dating now?" I ask her and we continue to skate down a hill, "What? no no we aren't" she says quickly "we'll do you want to be?" I ask her as she looks at me and a smile crept on her face "Kinda?" She says chuckling as we both laugh and then get to school.

We get off our skateboards and walk into the school, we walk to our lockers which are not to far and not to close to each other. I don't see Dustin, Lucas or Will anywhere, I just brush it off and went to go say bye to Max as we went to our classes.

It wasn't the same because Mike wasn't here, I missed Mike, Even thought we've been together for not even a day, I miss him.

I was to busy thinking about him that before I knew it class was done and I already couldn't handle the next 7 classes we have, So I got my stuff and went to my locker and Max came up to me with Lucas, "Hey" she came up to me smiling "Hey Max" I said smiling back but then saw Lucas standing next to her "Oh hey Y/n" he said smiling "Hi Lucas, where's Dustin and Will" "They called me saying that they were just gonna stay home after all what happened yesterday" me and Max both nodded, it was understandable and if anything I should've been the one to stay home out of all of them so that's what I plan to do.

"Guys.. I think ima skip school and maybe go home for the day, I don't feel good" I say as they look at me, "are you okay?" Max ask me "yea i'm fine just the cramps" I say whispering and lying "ohh okay well i'll see you at home, bye Y/n" "bye Max, bye Lucas, love you" "see you Y/n" Lucas said "love you to" Max said as I waved them off and ran outside with my backpack and skateboard.

time skip to skating on the road

I'm not actually go home. I'm going to Mikes house, I smile at thinking that.

time skip to Mikes house

I made it to Mikes and i'm kinda nervous, but i'm not going to the front door because i'm supposed to be at school obviously and I think it's more fun and better if his parents not know i'm here. So I go to his basement window.

I slowly look in and see him laying on his couch reading a comic I knock on his window and he looks at me I just sit there as he looks at me confused and walks over opening the small 2 foot wide window.

"Y/n? what are you doing here?" he ask me "I missed you" I said smiling and tilting my head "yea yea come inside i'll help you" he says chuckling at the first part I smile and throw my shoes in as he helps me get in from the frickin small ass window, I put my feet first and he's goes from my legs, hips, and waist" helping me in. We end up tumbling over and I fell on his and his hands were still on the sides of my hips and mine on his shoulders, I look into his eyes and I break silence and put my head down "Ugh I wish I wasn't so fricken fat I could barely fit through the window" I say.

I put my head back up and he looks kinda surprised then laughs a little bit "What's so funny?" I say as I also laugh a bit "Oh Y/n Y/n Y/n... your not fat, to me... ur perfect" he says which causes me to blush as he kisses my forehead then cheek and gets up helping me.

1260 words

Sorry for all these cliff hangers I just been busy and lazy. but I think i might start doing shorter chapters but everything will be the same 
but i just ended this chapter cause i wanted it to be done so bad but idk what else to say so yea


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