5. boring normal day

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Y/n's POV:
(next morning)

I woke up and Mike was still sleeping with his  arms still around me but I was facing him, It was about 6:13am and I open my eyes and slowly get up, trying not to wake up Mike, I fail and as soon as I stood up he awoke. "Where you going?" he said with a sleepy voice "i'm just gonna call my mom since everyone is sleeping still, im still really tired but oh well" I tell him
"just come back to bed and sleep some more if your tired" he said smirking but was still haft asleep, I laugh and nod then walk out, I slowly walk around looking around, I grab the phone and call my mom scared if she'll be mad.

"Hello?" "Hey mom it's Y/n- WHERE ARE YOU" I got cut off "IVE BEEN WORRIED SICK YOU AND MAX WERE BOTH SUPPOSED TO BE HOME AT MIDNIGHT YOU KNOW THATS YOUR CURFEW" she screams through the phone "ik and im sorry Me and Max are still at our friends house, we're were meant to come home but we fell asleep, we're safe we'll be back later on before 2pm"i tell her so she's nothing worrying even more, "okay thank god your safe. I'll see you later, bye sweetie" "bye mom" Then I hang up. I went down to check on Max she was still sleeping with the note still on her forehead, I smile and go back upstairs to Mikes room.

I enter his room and he was back to sleeping, I slowly climb in next to him and he opens his eyes, looks at me then smiles, I do the same and he wraps his arms around me once more, and I fall back asleep.

Mikes POV:
(couple hours later)

I wake up and it was around 12:30pm, my parents and Nancy went to work by now so it was just me Y/n and Max. Y/n was still sleeping in my arms with her head on my chest facing me,
I smile at seeing her and I slowly get up,
I went to go check on Max and when I see her she's reading the note Y/n put on her forehead, she was reading it and her smile grew bigger. She sees me and says "Good morning" "Morning" I say sitting next to her "so do you like her?"
Max ask with excitement "I mean, I only just met her but last night I was thinking to myself, yea I do. Max but do not tell her I will make your life a living hell" I tell her, she laughs and says "don't worry I won't" and giggles some more "Max i'm not kidding" I say with a cold tone "okay okay I won't" just then Y/n comes downstairs the stairs, "hey, what are you talking about" when she says that I blush, "oh nothing much mainly just waiting for you to wake up" Max says putting me to relieve.

"it's almost 1 I think Max and I should be going about now" Y/n says

Y/n POV:

"Yea I think we should, sorry Mikey " Max says smiling and lightly punching his shoulder. he smiles and nods "but wait you don't have a ride?" Mike tells me quickly before me and Max start walking up the stairs"oh god yea your right... it's okay, we'll just walk it's no longer then 20 minutes to walk there from here" I say

"your sure?"


"Wait! Y/n could I talk to you for a second?"
I look at Max she starts smirking, she says she'll be waiting upstairs for me, I roll my eyes smiling and I look back at Mike, I head Max close the door and Mike starts talking.

"okay... so uhm... ik you only met me like yesterday but I really like you, from what I seen your beautiful, smart, funny, gentle, and kind. You don't really know me very well but tomorrow at 9:00pm would you wanna spend the night and we'll actually tell your mom and have it planned so your mom won't be worried this time and we could like see a movie or, go to the park to hang out, or we could even just stay here and have a movie night, plus there's no school on monday" Mike says really nervously

"Really? Because I really like you to... and yea, that would be awesome and movie night here would be nice and like you said we only just met so let's try and get to know each other better." I say softly

"Sounds good, well i'll see you tomorrow" Mike says "byee."
and I quickly kiss him on the cheek, smile, then run upstairs.

I see Max sitting on the couch staring at the ceiling
"took you long enough" Max scoffs. "sorryy"
we walk outside and start walking back home.

After about 5 minutes of walking in silence Max says something. "So what did you guys talk about?" Max asks and looks at me, I start to blush and when she sees my blush she starts smirking. "oh- uh. Well, he kinda asked me out on a date." She smiling bigger and squeals in excitement "you said yes right?" she ask very fast "yea I did" then Max stops smiling
"Max what's wrong?" I asked her
"Y/n you only just met the guy" "ik and he even mentioned that to, we planned on getting to know each other more and more" I say which looks like it's making her feel better.

after that we arrive home. "Hey girls, i'm glad your safe. did you have fun?" Mom asks coming out of the bathroom.
"yea it was really fun actually" Max smiles and goes upstairs, I smile at mom and she says "if you and Max are hungry let me know and i'll cook something" she tells me "Okay thank you mom" we smile at each other and I go upstairs to my room then I flop onto my bed thinking about my date with Mike tomorrow.

After about 20 minutes of just laying there thinking about stuff but mostly Mike and how much I like him,

then I decide to get up and go shower and put on some clean pyjamas because I won't be doing anything today anyways. I grab 2 towels and clothes I go to the bathroom and lock the door, getting undressed and turning on the shower to hot and steamy, I get in and spend a couple minutes enjoying the hot water on my skin, then I wash my hair and body and face and get out, I grab my towels and wrap one of them on my hair and the other one around my body.
I brush my teeth and get dressed into short shorts and a big T-shirt, I take the towel off my head and blow dry my hair, then comb it.

I walk out of the bathroom leaving the door open so it could air out. I went downstairs to find Max sitting at the dinner table biting her nails (it's a pretty bad habit she has lol) I tell mom "what are you cooking?" "I'm cooking spaghetti" "oo yum" I say a little bit excited "I'm gonna go shower to actually, I feel gross, sweaty, and rough" Max says and then she walks upstairs

I just go and watch T.V for a bit then about 20 minutes later Max comes down after her shower she sits next to me and looks serious, and then she says "I have to tell you something." quiet enough for mom not to hear but for me to listen clearly, "what's up" "I think I like Lucas" she says and looks at me, I smile and try not to scream "don't you dare tell him I will beat the shit out of you" she says pointing at me I laugh and say "don't worry you can trust me little sister"
I say resting my elbow on her shoulder "you were literally born 30 seconds before me... 30 FU- hey hey calm down i'm just kidding" I cut her off and say while laughing she laughs a little.

Then mom says that the food was done, we get up from the couch and eat after that we just spend the rest of the day watching T.V or hanging out talking in each other's rooms then soon enough it's night time and everyone goes to sleep.

1457 words, real nice

sorry I wasn't writing for a almost 2 days I was busy but, after school tomorrow i'll try and write some more goodnight!!!!


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