4. Hanging out with the party

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Y/n's POV:

We got to Mikes house and I immediately jump off his bike still feeling sick, I almost collapsed and hit my head on the concrete but Mike caught me before I hit the ground. "Y/N!" I heard Max yell as I was falling "WOAH woah woah woah woah" Mike said as he caught me. He takes my arm and puts it around his neck and held my waist Max then decided to help since I was her sister and she cared for me, she went on the other side of me. The rest of the party followed inside and Mike and Max both brought me to his basement, they help set me down on the couch and Mike went to go get some Advil and water for me, meanwhile Max was sitting next to me rubbing my back.
"Here I got you some Advil so hopefully you don't feel sick anymore" Mike said handing over the pill bottle and the cup of water "Thank you." I put 2 Advil's in my mouth and wash it down with the water he gave me. Soon enough I feel better first I call my mom and say me and Max are at a friends house so she wouldn't be worried then after that we sat in a circle on the floor and start talking, playing games, and laughing.

Mikes POV:

We decided to play 2 truths and a lie, and Lucas went first. "Uhhh okay.. let's see... OH- I GOT IT! so.." Lucas said as he clears his throat "I like someone, I don't like ghostbusters and think it's shit, aaaannnnndddd I'm the hottest one here" he said with a smirk, we all went quite and started to think "I think I know which ones the lie" Y/n said "alr go on.." Dustin said "is it thattt you like someone?" she asks hoping she gets it
"A-NOPE good guess" "is it that you think ghostbusters is shit?" Will said "yup, good job Byers" Lucas said smiling "wait so you like someone?" I asked with curiosity all he did was smirk. "OKAYYYYY LUCAS TRUTH OR DARE?" Will practically shouted "truth?" "who is the most ATTRACTIVE person here" Will asked looking proud, everyone was listening and smiling. I start to feel jealous, what if he likes Y/n, then that made me start to think.

Do I like her? no no no I mean she's pretty but not my type. I try and convince myself... it doesn't work-
woah let's stop there.

"so? who's the most attractive Lucas" I tell him trying not to sound jealous "Guys i'm not answering that nice try tho." me and Will sigh we decided to watch a movie
"Which movie?" I asked showing them the movies, I gave them 4 choices (the burbs, the goonies, stand by me, and ghostbusters)

"the goonies" Max and Y/n say

Lucas: the burbs

Will: the goonies

Dustin: ghostbusters

"Well I vote The burbs but looks like Goonies won"

I put in the movie and we all sit down on the couch,
I sit between Y/n and Will, Will is at one end and Dustin is on the other end then beside Dustin it's Lucas then Max Then Y/n then me and then Will.
"I'm gonna go get some blankets be right back" I ran upstairs and go into my closet and grabbed all the blankets I had which was 4, I ran back downstairs and gave Dustin one Then Lucas and Max one to share because I ship them and one for me and Y/n to share, and then one for Will.

I play the movie and we're all just watching it until about quarter way through the movie Dustin Will and Lucas went home, Max looks tired and she was falling asleep then couple
seconds later I feel something on my shoulder. I look to see what it was and it was Y/n, I look at her eyes to see if she was sleeping and I saw her eyes fluttering shut.
I got butterflies in my stomach... And then I fall asleep to with my hand on her thigh under the blankets, god I wish this could last forever.

(time skip a couple hours later)
Y/n's POV:

I wake up and see the movie was over, and I feel something on my thigh, I look and Mikes hand on my thigh, I put my hand on his and lay there on his shoulder for a couple minutes until I slowly get up to see what time it was. 2:15 am,
while I was panicking I hear someone behind me
"You okay?" I head Mikes voice
I jump and turn around
"holy shit Mike you scared the hell out of me" I say holding onto my chest and trying to catch my breath
"sorry" he laughs a little
"Mike..  me and Max really need to go we were supposed to be home hours ago", I say walking up to him, "awe really? it's so late and it's not safe walking around at this time AND you don't even have a ride home" Mike says, I sigh "but my mom?" I say
"i'll get my mom to phone your mom first thing tomorrow and say you and Max slept here, there's no school tomorrow because you joined late and it's Friday so why don't you both just sleep here tonight?, and we can go sleep on my bed so it won't be so squished" Mike said smirking when he mentions going up to his room, my eyes widened and I blushed, I eventually agree.

I walked back to the couch and see Max was sitting up sleeping. I take off her shoes so she's more comfy and I put them beside the stairs. And all of the covers were on the floor, I wrap up a blanket for a pillow and lay it by the arm of the couch, I slowly lay down Max and cover her with a blanket, she moves to get more comfortable and I left a note for her saying 'Just so your not worried Ms. Wheeler called mom and said we're staying here for the night, I'm sleeping in Mikes room don't mention it tomorrow or to anyone pls or i'll murder you" I put the stinky note on her forehead (lmao) and go upstairs with Mike I close the basement door.

Mike grabs my hand and brings me to his room and I take off my shoes, Mike closed the door and I get in bed and so does he, he smiles and blushes and so do I. He shuts off the lamp and I turn to my back facing him,

then I feel arms wrap around my body, Mike pulls me closer to him to the point the back of my head feels his chest, I get butterflies and try and calm down, then I slowly fall asleep with Mike breathing on my neck and his arms around my body....

november 19th 2022

1271 words

GAW DAYUMMMMM i'm so tired i'll write the next chapter tomorrow, this chapter was long enough I think, what do you think will happen next? and once again give me ideas of what i could add to this story or the next one. Anyways goodnight<333


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