8. Its just to early...

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Y/n's POV:

It's been almost 2 weeks since I met the party, and about a week since me and Mike started dating, I love him but something felt off, he's been really distancing himself from me, he always says he's busy when I try to talk or hang out with him, and he's always making excuses to run away from me in school.

school today... again. I get ready and me and Max go to school we see dustin and Will walking inside but no Mike or Lucas, maybe there just late or there inside, We catch up to Dustin and Will, "Hey Dustin, hi Will" I say running up next to them and so does Max "Oh hey Y/n, Max" He says "Hey" Will says and looks at us "where's Mike and Lucas?" I ask "There probably late we waited out here for like 10-15 minutes and they didn't show up." Dustin said, I was confused but just shrugged it off, we walk inside and as we were at our lockers Mike and Lucas finally show up, at least they weren't late to any classes.

"Hey guys sorry we're late" Mike says looking at everyone but me, I was confused and a little hurt "it's no problem" as soon as I say that the bell rings for our first class.

Mike's POV:
Time skip to lunch

The bell goes and it's lunch time, I feel bad for avoiding Y/n. But the reason why i've been avoiding her is because I think it's to early for us to date, I know a lot about her and I love her but... It just still doesn't feel right.

I walk into the hall and see the party all talking and I see Y/n putting her books away, I walk up to the party whispering "Hey guys could you go ahead to lunch? I need to talk to Y/n alone"

"Yea sure Mike we'll see you and Y/n soon." Max says as they walk away. I walk up to Y/n and tap her shoulder, "Oh hey Mike" she says and looks at me, "Uh Y/n can I talk to you alone?" I say a little bit worried of how'll she'll react ""Uhm.. sure I guess, about what?" she asks looking confused "just follow me."

I pull her into the janitors closet and shut the door. "Mike what's going on? are you okay?" she says looking at me kinda worried, "I'm fine but I need to tell you something" she doesn't answer just gives me a look to start talking. I look down not wanting to see her as I say this in guilt.

"Y/n I think it's way to early for us to date, and it's well kinda embarrassing. I mean we known each other for like not even 2 weeks, and we're already dating? I'm sorry if I asked you out first and for doing this now, I am so sorry, but what i'm trying to say is, is that I think we should break up." I say slowly tearing up as I look up and see nothing but, hurt and sadness in her face.

"Your right. we should've have went to fast and if this is what you want i'll respect that, I love you Mike." she says as she walks and cups my left cheek with her hand, she looks at me for a couple of seconds then leaves and shuts the door. I feel a couple of tears fall down my face and I try not to cry more, I managed to pull myself together and I walk out and go to the cafeteria to see Y/n sitting at a table along with the party, I didn't feel like eating so I just sat next to them.

Y/n's POV
End of the day

All I could think about is what just happened between me and Mike, but he's right so i'm not mad at him... I'm mad at myself. If I didn't get a boyfriend this early this wouldn't have happened. I really loved Mike though, and I still do, I'm scared Mike lost feelings for me, hopefully things won't be awkward between us. 

757 words

sorry this chapter wasn't as long as the other ones I couldn't really think of anything else to add to this, THIS STORY IS GETTING WORSE AND WORSE IT FEELS LIKE. Also it would be fun to read a lot of your comments of these chapters, I wanna laugh.


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