7. hanging out with the party pt. 2

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up and Mike wasn't beside me I slowly sat up and looked around the basement, "Mike?" I said a little bit loudly, I see him coming down the stairs he looks at and smiles and walk towards me, he then kisses my forehead "Right here." he says looking deeply in my eyes. I put my lips on his and then after a few seconds I pull away "what time is it?" I asked him "It's about 10:30 in the morning". I yawn and stand up and go to look in my bag for some clothes to wear today.

I grab a dark green short sleeve crop that just goes a little bit past my belly button, then grab some white jeans and black socks. "Hey Mike i'll be right back i'm gonna go change" I say looking at him as he's just looking around his basement "okay, i'll be i'm my room" we both walk upstairs I walk into the bathroom and Mike walks into his room. I change then comb my hair and brush my teeth, I walk out and head to Mikes room, I open the door and he's shirtless.

"OH god i'm sorry" I practically yell and close the door, all I hear is him laughing a little bit then roll my eyes and smile "don't be sorry, you can come in now" my face was red with embarrassment and shook, I walk in and he walks over to me "why are you blushing? is it just because you saw me without a shirt on and it was turning you on?" he says teasing me and puts his hand on my chin "shut up Mike" I giggle and look away making him let go of my face and all he does is laugh, and just to make it clear what he was saying was not true at all it's way to early in the relationship for that.

Mike's POV

"Wanna go to star court with the party?" I asked Y/n since we had no plans for today amd wanted to go do something fun with everyone "sure why not" she smiles "oh yea and I have to go back home to ask for permission and bring my bag back home" she adds on "okay i'll radio everyone and then i'll come pick you up on my bike" I say
"Okay sounds like a plan" she says then pecks me on the mouth, the she looks at me for a split second with a bright pink blush on her face then immediately runs away. I just sit there for 10 seconds completely zoned out, then snap back into reality, I go and grab my super-com and radio the party.

"Anyone here? it's Mike, over." I say waiting for someone to answer.

Dustin: Yea what's up

Lucas: what

Will: Hey Mike

Mike: I was just wondering if you guys wanted to come and hang out with me and Y/n at star court mall today?

Lucas: yea sure why not i'm bored as hell and i got nothing better to do

Dustin: I'm down

Will: yea ofc what time

Mike: 30 minutes, see you there

Will: Bye

Dustin: alr

Lucas: see you

Y/n's POV 

I arrive home and say hi to my mom then I ask if I could go to the mall to hang out with my friends,  luckily she said yes then I go to my room and put my dirty clothes in my hamper and I go to Max's room and walk in. "Can you knock next time please?" she asks me in a kinda annoyed tone "yea sorry, I was just wondering if you wanted to come hang with me Mike and the party?" I ask
"Why did you single out Mike from the others, is he your boyfriend?" "WHAT NO" then she starts laughing a little bit "c'mon Y/n it's obvious" she tells me as I feel my face heating up.

"Okay he is, is that what you wanna hear? Mike is my boyfriend" I say as her eyes widened up
"you and Mike only known each other for how long? LESS THEN A WEEK?! You should wait till it's been like 2 months of knowing each other" she says as I think about it, maybe she's right. nah nvm I love Mike i'll stay with him.

"shut up, so do you wanna come or not? AND DONT MENTION THIS TO ANYONE" I pretty much yell at her "I won't and sure i'll come along" She says then sighs "hurry up" I say and close the door as I walk back to my room to see Mike pulling up, and I go back to Max's room and say through the door "Max, Mike is here to pick me up, just ask mom to drive you"

"Fineeeee" I hear her say then run downstairs out the door.

"Hey, I missed you" Mike says looking at me up and down, I widen my eyes as I see what he's tryna say "Mike this isn't the time you should've done this last night but not now" I say and he looks back at my face, "your right just get on and let's go, everyone's probably over there already" I get on the back of his bike and wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on his back closing my eyes to enjoy this calming ride, we were about 1 minute from getting there and we decided that i'll just walk from here so the party doesn't suspect anything.

Once I get there after Mike, Max pulls up and gets out of moms car, "Pleaseeeeeeeee be safe girls okay? I don't want anything to happen to my babies, and be home by 11:00pm" Mom yells from the car "yup okay m-mom we got it" as I quickly gesture for them to get inside before she could embarrass us more.

"So what's first?" Will asks "Uhhhhh how about we just walk around and see" Max says looking around, we all agree and walk about for what seemed like hours.

"You know I would expect this to be a fun shopping thing but I can't seem to wanna go shopping today, I kinda just wanna hang out somewhere private and eat junk food" Dustin says, "I agree, I just don't seem to wann be at the mall today, let's just go and hang somewhere at buy a bunch of junk food" Lucas says.

"I think that's a great idea, Mike? Max? Will?" I say looking at them, "Let's just do that" Mike says "sounds like fun" Will says, Max just nods her head.

We all exit the mall and start walking to 7 Eleven "What about the bikes?" I ask "just leave them we'll come back for them later" Mike says. We arrive at 7 eleven and grab a bunch of things like, Cheetos, Pepsi, coke, slurpee's, 10 different kinds of candy, and water to stay hydrated. Everyone started fighting about who should pay, but I just went to the cashier while they were busy arguing and paid. "C'mon let's go" I smile while holding 2 bags waiting for someone to grab the 3rd one. Everyone looks at me and then the bags in my hands and back at me.

"Are you dead-ass serious Y/n?" Mike says looking at me straight in the eye, I just playfully roll my eyes and walk outside, Mike grabs the 3rd one and runs outside and everyone else follows,
"Here lemme carry that for you" Will says grabbing onto one of the bags I have "Thank you so much Will feels like my arm was gonna fall of from the xmas of Pepsi" I let out a deep breath as he chuckles.

"Where can we go to hang out?" Lucas asks "castle byers?" Will asks "W-what's that?" Max asks looking confused as so do I, "It's just a small little tent thingy in the woods Will made when he was little" Dustin explains as me and Max nod out heads, we start walking there.

we get to castle byers and spend hours just talking laughing eating our snacks, and in no time it's time to go home.
"Hey I think me and Max should get going, it's getting late" I say "True, but we'll see you all at school tomorrow, bye" I ask and we start to walk home.

Time skip... 1 week later

1475 words gaw damn i didn't mean for it to be this long

damn bruh, i don't know how to write at story at all😭 I'll continue this but chapter 8 will hopefully be out soon, sorry if i take a while writing these, but i hope you have a good rest of your day/night!!!❤️


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