6. Date

104 2 1

Y/n's POV:

I wake up and it's 9:30am, I just layed there in bed for about 5 minutes then got up and went downstairs I just peeked around the corner and I only saw mom, but no Max. which is weird because she ALWAYS wakes up before me, I just brushed it off and went to go take a shower,
I grab my clothes and go to the bathroom, after i'm done my shower I put a towel around my head and one around me body, I dry off my body and then get dressed.
I then brush my teeth and brush my damp hair and blow dry it then brush it again. I walk down stairs and saw mom was making breakfast

"Hey mom"
"good morning hun, i'm just making waffles for breakfast for you and Max"
"sounds good, i'll be waiting in my room"

I ran upstairs and thought I would go check on Max to see if she's really sleeping. I walk to Max's room and I saw a body under the cover, but I had a feeling to check to see if it was really her but when I removed the blanket she wasn't there. It was pillows in a form of a body, I start to panic and ran to my room, I have a phone in my room because that's how the house came,
I dial Mikes number and couple seconds later Mike picks up.

"Hello?" Mike says
"Mike it's Y/n did Max go to your place or any of the party's?" I asked very quickly
"What do you mean? is she not there?"
He asked confused
"No she's not and I don't know any of Wills, Lucas, or Dustin's number could you please call them and ask and call me back?" I ask
"Yea sure"
"Thank you Mike"
"No problem" I smile and hang up
I was just sitting on my bed drawling and then about 5 minutes later the phone rings, I pick it up and it's Mike
"Hey Y/n It's Mike again, Lucas said she's at his house hanging out" I'm really confused
"why is she over there?"
"I don't even know but ill tell you that there probably making out or something" Mike says then laughs, I also laugh then smirk, ooooooo Max and Lucas sittin in a tree, I think to myself

"Y/n?" Mike says
"are we still on for tonight?"
"yea ofc, i'll call you when i'm about to leave"
"alr, see you later"
"byeee" Then he hangs up
I smile and then I heard something come from Max's room, I slowly walk through the door and right when I looked I heard someone, "shit." I saw Max almost falling off her bed from jumping in the window.
"Max what the hell is wrong with you, we just moved her and your already sneaking off to boys houses?" "SHUT UP-" she whisper shouts
"Why did you go to Lucas's hou-" I gasp and stop mid sentence "DO YOU LIKE HI-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP Y/N" Max covers my mouth while still whisper shouting, "are you gonna shut up?" she asks me in a threatening way. I nod then she uncovers my mouth, "okay okay, but like do you like him?" I ask "uhm well maybe..."
I squeal and she looks confused.

"do you think he likes you?" I say trying not to be loud
"I mean before I left he kinda... well- uhm.. he kinda- kissed me?"
"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY-" Max covers my mouth again shoving me against the wall, "Y/n I said shut. the. fuck. up"
"mmMmHmMh" I try and talk and then she uncovers my mouth and sighs
"You two should date." I say smiling
"what?" Max asks confused, "you guys both like each other and you both would looks so cute together- Yk what" I snap my fingers "I. am going. to. set you guys up somehow i'll just get the boys to help me" I say smirking
"Y/n you better not i'll beat the shit out of you"
I chuckle and say "sorry but you don't scare me maxine" patting her shoulder and walk out of her room.

pretty boring day all I did was eat breakfast, watch like 3 movies, read for and hour, listen to music while reading comics, doing my makeup for my date tonight, I don't usually wear much makeup just some mascara lip balm, and little wings with eyeliner. I dance to my music for a bit and pack my bag for tonight then the day goes by fast and it's 8:30 I think I should be getting ready to go to Mikes about now,
I put on my jacket and shoes, Then I grab my bag I call Mike letting him know i'm on my way then I let Max know i'm going and then I walked downstairs. I kinda forgot to ask my mom if i could go for a sleepover but i'm sure she wouldn't mind, "Hey mom can I go for a sleepover at a friends house tonight?" "sure, just call me once you get there so I know your safe" "No problem, bye ma, luv you" "love you to hun" I walk outside and start walking to Mikes house.
I get there and I knock then His mom opens the door "Hey you must be Y/n Mikes downstairs waiting" "Thank you" she lets me in and then I walk downstairs shutting the door and start walking down to see Mike playing with a ball throwing it up in the air and catching it.

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