13. sleepover?

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Wooooo I updated this book again, i should get a cookie

warnings: fluff, aggressive make out, no actual sex

Y/n's POV:

It's friday now and Mike will be back on Monday, but so will Troy...

And what makes it worse is that they'll both be in detention together, so I hope they won't fight again, but i'm just glad Mikes going to be back at school.

The last class finally ended, I said bye to Lucas, Dustin, Will and Max. Max is going to go hangout with Lucas so i'll just be home by myself.

I grab my skateboard and start skating home.

I unlock the door, take my shoes off and jacket, and go up to my room, I pretty much slam my homework down on my bed and aggressively sit down not feeling like doing homework.

Skip to 15 minutes later

I'm only on the 3rd question and it's been 15 minutes, Then I hear my phone ring, I look back at my homework and rip it in 3 pieces then crumple it up and look at it, "whoops" and then kicking it under my bed.

I walk over and pick up the phone and I hear Mikes voice.

"Hey, My love" I just giggle "Hi" I reply with "What are you doing?" He says "Nothing just lying down on my bed looking at my roof, What about you"

Y/n:just laying on my bed staring at my roof, what about you?"

Mike:just missing you


Mike:yea, wanna spend the night?

Y/n: Yes, i'll be there in a bit

Mike:Okay yessss, I love you

Y/n:I love you too.

I hang up and grab my overnight bag and put pyjamas and clothes for tomorrow, my toothbrush, hairbrush and makeup bag.

I walk into the bathroom and fix my hair making sure I look decent.

Then I decide to wright a note to Max saying that i'm gonna spend the night at Mikes.

I stick the note on the fridge and lock the front door and walk over to his house.

*10 Minutes later*

I made it to my boyfriends house and not sure if I should knock on the door or go to the basement window, I decided just to knock and when I knock he immediately opens the door.

"Hey Mike" I smile at him "Hey" He smiles looking at me up and down.

He lets me in and I take off my shoes, he guides me to his room, I put my bag down beside his door and turn to face him.

"So? what do you have in mind?" I smile innocently at him.

He doesn't say anything and puts his hands on my hips pulling me closer so my bodies against his as he kissing me.

It caught me off guard but once I realize what's happening I Put my hands on his jawline and kiss back.

He backs me up so the back of my legs hit the bed, he lays me down still kissing me and crawls on top of me.

I would pull back every 10 seconds to catch my breath then we make out some more, I feel his tongue slide across my bottom lip, asking for permission to enter my mouth.

I do and I immediately feel his tongue explore each corner of my mouth and I moan slightly, I feel his hands go under my shirt onto waist going up and down massaging the side of my waist.

He would pull back here and there giving me a chance to breathe then enters my mouth again.

We make out like this for a while until he gave me one last kiss on my forehead and mouth then lied down beside me wrapping his arms around me.

I cant wait for him to be back on school on monday, I just hope nothing happens this time...

words- 678



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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