12. small visit

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Mike's POV:

I help her in and we get up, I missed her.
I look at her and her eyes start getting glossy and watery, her face starts to turn red and she put her fist to her mouth and starts to lightly sob.

I grab her shoulder and look her better she quickly wraps her arms around my torso I immediately hug her back and stroke her hair as she cries into my chest, I pick her up bridal style and sit on the couch with her, she buries her head into my chest sniffling.

We sit there for a bit and I didn't notice she fell asleep. I couldn't help but stare how cute she looked when she was sleeping I kiss her forehead gently and slowly lay down on the couch as she lays beside me as I wrap my arms around her and snuggle up to her chest and fall asleep.

Time skip to 2 hours later

Y/n's POV:

I wake up and try and move but then realize Mike has his arms around me and he's fast asleep, his head on my chest and he looks so peaceful, I stare in awe as I slowly bring my hands to his hair and stroke his hair trying to wake him up as peacefully as possible.

After about 10 seconds he starts to slowly move around and dig his head more in my chest, I keep stroking his hair and see his eyes flutter open, then he looks up at me.

"Good morning" I say softly looking at him as he smiles "good morning baby" he say's tiredly but softly, I giggle and we stay like this for a little bit then we start getting up.

I look at the time and it's 11 damn we only slept for 2 hours? I rest my head on his shoulder, "you alr?" he asks and looks at me "yea i'm fine just don't really know what to do, kinda bored" he laughs a bit and starts to think.

"how bout we go out and do something, likeeeeeeee go to the mall, go for a walk, go to the store, go for a walk in the forest and I don't know if I ever told you this but evening I like to go for a walk in the park before the sun sets, I go to this big tree and I climb and when I get to the top it's a beautiful. So maybe you'd like to do that?"

I love that idea I thought, sounds romantic and peaceful, like an escape from reality. "yea I'd love to do that. how about we go to the store and get snacks and watch the sun set tonight" I say. "yes let's do that" and he kisses me.

"what should we do for spare time" I ask him "well" he looks me then at me lips and back at me when his tongue slowly glazes across his bottom lip. he comes to kiss and I kiss back, we start to make out softly and I start to lay back down on the couch with him following with my lips not daring to part them, He's now on top of me and my hands are on the sides of his neck, his hands slowly go up to my breast and squeeze's a bit making me moan softly into the kiss, after about a minute of kissing I feel his hand travel down my body and into my pants and and starts to rub my clothed
clit making me groan, he smirks and goes into my underwear and rubs my clit making me wet, then he sticks a finger in me and slowly starts going in and out as a moan. He adds a second finger making me let out a sharp moan, he starts going faster and I moan louder. "Try not to be to loud baby" he says in a sexy voice. I try and keep my moans down as he kisses my neck and fingers me, he goes faster and I arch my back and cover my mouth trying not to moan, and feel a tight knot in my stomach when he curls his fingers in me. "M-Mike i'm g-gonna cum" I say trying my best not to moan, "Mmm cum on my fingers baby" he says, I cum immediately and he doesn't stop, in fact he goes faster making my legs shake and making it impossible not to moan, I moan but as quietly as I can, he goes a couple times faster and harder slamming his fingers into me and then plops his finger in his mouth licking off all my cum and juices off his fingers as my legs are shaking. (I APOLOGIZE FOR THIS)

"You were good baby, can't wait for the day I fully fvck you so hard you'll be in a wheelchair for over a week" he says looking into my eyes.

time skip to 3pm

Y/n's POV:

It was 3pm and for the past 4 hours me and Mike have just been talking, laughing, cuddling, kissing, and he's been tickling me and I hate tickling, puts me on high alert. 4 hours felt like nothing. Then I realized I had to go back home in about 20 minutes.

"This was fun but I should get going in about 20 minutes" I say to Mike "really? damn it hasn't even been that long" he says acting sad "It's been four hours" I say chuckling "oh" he says as I smile at him as he stares into my eyes.

"You're so pretty Y/n" he says out of nowhere but puts me in awe, I laugh a little "You're so cute."I say and put my hands on his shoulders pushing him down on the couch kissing his cheek over and over again, Then I finish with one last kiss on his mouth and lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes resting.

He raps his arms around my as I wrap my arms around his neck. "Can we stay like this until I go?" I say softly "ofc Y/n".

We stay like that for about 15 minutes and now I have to leave.

"Alr Mike" I say getting up "I have to go now" I say as he sits up "sad. Okay well see you, I love you"
"I love you more." I say and kiss him, he walks upstairs and I climb back out his window.

1015 words

idrk what to say but...yea
here's another chapter for you people and probably another cliff hanger coming but see youuuuu


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