9. Whos Troy?

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Y/n's POV
1 an a haft months later
(sorry idk how to put it)

So it's been about 2 months since me and Max joined Hawkins High, Me and Mike been broken up for about a months an a haft, I really miss him.
But there's this kid in my math class who keeps looking at me, I've never seen him before, Idk his name but he's creeping me out.

It's lunch time and go to find the party and I see them in the cafeteria, I go to sit next to them to see that one kid staring at me. "Hey guys" I say to them

Dustin:Hey Y/n



Max: heyyy


Things have gotten better between me and Mike, we're just not as close as we used to be. "do you guys know that kid over there who keeps staring at me, it's creeping me out" Mike looks at him and his face looks annoyed and jealous, "That's Troy" Mike says "Who's Troy?" I ask "A mouth-breather" Dustin says "He just an asshole, he was here a couple days before you and Max showed up, he got suspended like on the 3rd day of school for 2 months, idk how that's possible but he must've done something really bad" Lucas explains

I look over at him again and see him starting to walk over to me and I get nervous "G-Guys, he's walking over her-" I feel a hand on my shoulder, I look up and see Troy.
"Uhm, can I help you?" I ask looking at him as I stand up "Damn your voice is hot, almost as hot as your face" he says coming closer to my face. I back up a little bit and looks at me up and down "I-I'm gonna go to the bathroom be right back" I look at the party and back at him while walking away quickly.

All I did was go to the chemistry class and lean against the wall hoping he'd be gone when I go back, I have my eyes closed so I can calm down because I was getting a bad feeling from Troy, Next thing I know he's in front of me with both arms resting beside me so there's no escape, I look at him a little scared "no" I say, No is all I could say I just kept saying No and shaking my head, he looks at my lips and chuckles. I try and run away but he catches me.

Next thing I know is that he has my arms pinned to the wall and he's so close to me I can't move my legs, He holds both my arms above me with one hand while the other is holding my head still so I can't move it, at this point i'm terrified and know what's about to happen, he starts to kiss me roughly grinding against my body, I could feel something hard against my core and it makes me even more scared. I start to try and tell him to stop but I can't barely move my body, I feel tears go down my cheeks as he starts kissing my neck and collar bone covering my mouth, I try and squirm but that just makes his grip tighter. I still feel tears going down my cheeks as soon as he's about to come back for more rough kisses the door burst open.

Mike's POV:

Troy comes up to Y/n and she looks a little scared, She quickly says she gonna go to the bathroom and runs away, I felt confused and Troy follows her seconds later I got a bad feeling about this. "Do you guys think we should go and check on them? I don't feel good about this" They all agree and we go to check the bathroom at our home room and all the others classrooms, we got to the chemistry class and we open the door quickly and see Y/n pinned to the wall by troy.

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