A Fractured House

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~Winter's pov~

I saw Hunter walk into the Hangar out of the corner of my eye, and he walked over to me "You know we're going on mission with Bobbi, right?" Hunter asked.

"Yep" I answered, loading my gun.

"And you don't have a problem with this?" He asked.

"I'm not the one with the problem" I responded.

"I don't have a problem" He said, I nodded in disbelief and put my gun in my side.

"You'll be fine" I told him and walked away.

~Time Skip~

"I'm gonna go check on May" I heard Bobbi say "Winter, can we switch seats?"

"Yeah, sure" I said, I got up and took the seat next to Hunter.

"I need a beer" Hunter muttered.


"Toshiro has the weapons from the UN attack, so we have two options, one, firefight, surprise them, take down as many as we can before they bring out heavy artillery" May told us.

"And option two? Just to hear it" Hunter said.

"I go in, I've worked with Toshiro before. Before I knew he was Hydra. And i know he trusts me, but my cover  could be easily blown" I answered.

"That's why I like option one" May said.

"On the other hand, I know Toshiro. The best way to get him to leak intel is to get him bragging, I think it's worth the risk" I told them.

"She can handle it. Deception's her forte" Hunter said, I glanced over to him "Uh, I mean that sincerely, not passive aggressively, as in it's a good attribute for a spy to..." I nodded "Bloody hell"

"You can go in, but if anything's off, we're coming after you" May told me, I nodded.

"He'll search you for weapons" Hunter told me, i rolled my eyes and pulled out my gun from my side and handed it to him "Don't die out there, all right?"

"I won't"

~Time Skip~

"Toshiro-san, 久し振りですね" (It's good to see you again) I said in Japanese.

"ミニ・ロマノフ、またお会いできてうれしいです、あなたは本当に古き良き南部の女の子のようです" (Mini Romanoff, it's lovely to see you again, you really look like a good old Southern girl) He replied.

"トシロウ、あなたのためにやったと言ったら信じてくれますか?" (Toshiro, would you believe me if I said I did it for you?) I asked.

"No" He said in English, he stepped towards me and leaned in and kiss me, I kissed him back.

~Time Skip~

"Do you still have that pan-fired green tea?" I asked him "It's from the Shizuoka Prefecture, right?"

"You always remember every little detail" Toshiro said, I smiled, someone brought out the tea for us, and I glanced around checking the guards around us "The tea needs to steep for at least seven minutes"

"Perfect time for us to talk business then" I answered.

"Forgive me, but I'd like to clear something up first. You see, there's a nasty rumor going around, that you're actually working for S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Toshi, please, aren't we all working for S.H.I.E.L.D.?" I asked "Didn't you see the papers this morning? Scarlotti and his team were on the front page with that silly eagle on their chests. But those weapons they had...your work, I presume?"

"How could you tell?" He asked "I call them splinter bombs. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

"Is there any way for me to get my hands on a splinter bomb? Those really are a thing of beauty"

"Unfortunately, I shipped them all out yesterday, plus, I can't take all the credit, original specs same from Hydra technology way back when"

"Whitehall gave them to you?"

"Yes, a leap of faith, i just hope I've earned a chance to work on The Diviner"

"The Diviner?" I questioned.

"That's what the lunatic who brought it to him calls it anyway, heard it's alien, all i know is that I'll have a better case to make once Scarlotti's team gets to Beckers" I nodded "Then S.H.I.E.L.D. will be dead in the water"

"They're en route to Beckers now?" I heard footsteps behind me, I heard a gunshot, Toshiro pulled out a gun, I grabbed a towel off the tray and hit him in the face with it, I used the towel and wrapped it around Toshiro flipping him over my back with the towel and then wrapped around his neck and I walked over to Hunter.

"You can thank me later" Hunter told me.

"Thank you? What the hell were you thinking?" I asked.

"What was I thinking? I just saved your life"

"You don't think I knew that guy was behind me? This. this is just you peacocking" I told him.

"He made you, and he was gonna kill you! And, sweetheart, nobody uses the word 'peacocking'" He replied, I noticed Toshiro point his gun at me but Hunter shot him.

"Are you even listening to yourself right now?" I asked "Oh, wait, of course you are, you love that sound of your own voice"

"Because it's reasonable, one of us has to be" I rolled my eyes.

"This is what makes you so aggravating to be with. I've been acting like Сука all day" I told him.

"Really?" Bobbi spoke up.

"I just saved her life. Twice, and this is the thanks I get" He answered, I rolled my eyes.

"Toshiro said that they were going after Backers. Recognize the name?" May asked me and Bobbi.

"Yeah, Julien Beckers. Belgian Foreign Affairs Minister" Bobbi replied.

"The guy who's been keeping the peace?" Hunter asked.

"Scarlotti's team takes out Beckers even the neutral UN countries are gonna fall in line with Seator Ward's proposal" I said.

"Call Coulson, we're heading to Belgium"

~Time Skip~

May, Me and Bobbi crashed through the windows knocking down three of Scarlotti's men, Scarlotti kicked Hunter and ran off "I got!" I said and chased after him, I ran into the room Scarlotti went in, he pulled out a knife and he thrusted down, the knife extended down on a chain.

I pulled out my gun and lifted it, he used his knife to knock it out my hands "All one?" Scarlotti asked. He tossed the knife chain towards me, I stepped out of the way, he kept trying to hit me with it, I kept avoiding them. One of his attacks got the knife snuck in the wall, I grabbed the knife, Scarlotti tried to stop me but I kicked him in the chest and pulled it out the wall, breaking the chain off.

I tried slashing him with it but he used the chain to block it. He kept avoid my attacks and I avoided his, until he pushed me into wall and wrapped the chain around my neck, trying to choke me, I was able to elbow him in the face and he let go, i twisted the chain off of me and kicked him couple times and sending him back.

I gave him one final roundhouse kick to the chest, knocking him down to the floor.


Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes, Hope you enjoyed it!)

Word count:1215

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