18 - Mystic Love

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Donnie and I went into his room and closed the door, locking it.

Donnie right away sat on his chair without another word and typed away on the keyboard. His tech bo leaned on a wall next to him, as he tapped his feet to the jazzy background music.

It was so peaceful in here that only the monitors' buzzes and Donnie's typing, were surprisingly helping my head to calm down and make sense of everything. All I could do was just to lean on the door then slide down, and sighed. I placed my head on my hands tired and drained, that I even massaged it. It felt like I could deal with being mute all my my life but lo and behold I had to be stuck with loud brothers, not that I hated them but peaceful time away from the noise could really help me, no matter how lonely it may sound.

While I sat down on the floor, I looked up and saw Donnie's silver gaming chair in front of a big screen with smaller side screens and a huge keyboard below. A jazzy music played in the background and my head actually bopped to it, that I smiled. Letting all my worries wash away. I loved the interior of the room and the neon purple lights. The aesthetics of it.

I then deactivated my powers for they have been shown long enough so I transformed myself into my normal person. Once everything was gone but my police uniform, I pinned the golden broach back to my left chest area.

"Hey, Fae I was thinking if--" Donnie finally started acknowledging me, but when he looked behind him it wasn't a girl in a mystic warrior outfit, but a normal one in a police uniform. "You alright?"

"Yeah just wanting to relax for a bit...what were you gonna say?" I asked Donnie as I finally stood back up to walk up to him.

"U-Um, I was gonna ask if I could explore your powers...but it seems you had a long day and in need of sleep..." Donatello remarked, but I just shook my head.

"Donnie, my mystic powers are a mystery, so looking through it with you is kinda a necessity," I smirked at him then smiled, Donnie's cheeks suddenly flamed again at the genuine kindness that emitted from me.

"Okay, alright wait let me change out of this one though!" Donnie blushed slightly as he was motioning to his tux, "I'll be back in a jiff!" Then closed the door to his bedroom closet and changed.

I chuckled after him.

After a few minutes later, true to his word, he came back out in his purple night gown. He loved the color can't blame him, I loved it too.

"Alright! That's better!" He exclaimed exasperatedly, with his grey fluffy ear muffs looped around his neck, "Now, where were we?"

I chuckled at the cute sight in front of me, "Want me to change back?" I asked, but he only shook his head and smiled, then looked at me.

"Um, no...I was thinking of exploring our two crystals and see what to think of it, for me to help you control them better," He told me.

Midnight Maiden (rottmnt Donatello x Fae)Where stories live. Discover now