Bad news

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Btw they are both 18

Finney blake,
I walked home with Gwen , talking about small things that happened during school.

I looked forward to walking home with her, I already had to do with those snobby kids at school, I didn't want to deal with dad too.

When we got home, I immediately smelled the utter stench of alcohol, lingering around throughout the household.

Gwen covered her nose, scrunching up her face and stepping back outside. "Dad, are you home?" I exclaimed, taking off my shoes by the front step.

I heard a faint "Yea." So I went upstairs, into my small old bedroom. I changed into some old sweatshirt, and some shorts and laid down on my bed, thinking about earlier that day.

School was awful. Robin, Mattie, and all their other minions were such assholes. It's like they have no other purpose in life besides making mine a living hell.

I decided to just ignore it, like I did all my other problems. Their never going to stop, so what's the point? I turned on Cigarettes After Sex, and listened as I fell asleep.
I woke up to the sound of old country music playing, rubbing my eyes and walking downstairs to be greeted by my grandma. "Finney, you've grown so much, dear!"

Did I mention I saw my grandma last Tuesday?

"Oh, hey nanna, what're you up to?"  I exclaimed sarcastically, sitting in the chair next to her. "Well, me and your dad are just talking about grown up things, same ol' same ol'!"

"Oh tell me, I'm a grown up now!" I stated, growing excited. "Well, that Robin Arellano kid, his mothers having a rough time with him and his brother." The familiar name sent shivers down my spine.

"So?" I questioned, my tone changing almost immediately. "So.." Nanna continued, "your dad and I were thinking he and his brother could stay here for awhile.."

I laughed. Like, laughed hard. "What?" I chuckled, confusion rising to my face. "Finney.." Dad warned.
"No.. no! I don't want to live with that lowlife stupid ass son of a bitch!" I screamed, covering my mouth instantly. My dad stood up from his chair, anger in his voice.


I stared at him a long time, holding back tears before finally taking off up the stairs. I sat in my bedroom, thinking about how fucked I was. "Why does this happen to me?" I thought, resting my head in my hands.

As I laid back down, the tears started to flow down. I couldn't handle him all day, I'll be lucky to survive 10 minutes," I thought, sticking an earbud in and forgetting my problems,.

Basically doing the thing I am best at.

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