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Hey y'all 🤪 back at it again with some gay confusing shit you know me😌
Also sorry about all the spelling mistakes in the last chapter- I wrote it very hurriedly so I could nap nap 😴
Also it's like 1 am again soooo
I'm gonna write this with good vocab >:)
Robin pov-
We made it to Vance's house in about a half hour, both of us already knowing for sure he wasn't going to school. He literally would make up any excuse not to go.

We made it towards the darkened porch, seeking light from the sun that hid aside the stormy gray clouds. It looked old and gloomy, but robin seemed to be fond of the place. He banged slightly on the door, grimacing as the old wood splintered his hand.

"Vance, opened up, bro!" Robin cluttered, peacefully picking the tiny wood slimmers out of his knuckles until we heard the door creek open.

"Woooow dude, the sky is crying!" He gasped out, pointing directly toward the rain falling to the ground from the gray sensation.

My face scrunched up awkwardly, casting robin a look explaining the words, "What the fuck is he on right now?"

Robin groaned frustratedly, pulling a strand back from his hair and trudging into the small old home.

His boots clumped against the glistening wood, squeaking slightly in creaky spots.

"Va-ancceee!" Robin spoke, exaggerating the e sound with a pleading voice as he dragged him towards the kitchen. "Why do you have to be drunk every time we need you?

I rather slowly took instructions from robin onto getting a glass and filling it with tap, having to redirect in sorts of directions since I had no idea where I was going.
"How long does it take for you to become sober after drinking water?" I inquired, watching steadily as the cup filled with tap water all the way to the rim, lining up perfectly as I  handed it to robin.

"Usually like 20 minutes, that is if he keeps drinking it." Robin suggested, pressing the small cup to Vance's lips, getting interrupted by Vance pushing the water-glass, making it fall to the floor and spring glass everywhere.

I felt a new paining sensation in my palm, cursing at Vance as I picked the piece out, leaving a tunnel of blood leaking down my arm. "Ow- Shit!" I managed out, converting my arm as the blood spilled on my hand.

"Damnit! Okay shit shit. Uh-"

We heard thumping down the stairs, both of us turning our heads to the darkly lit staircase, seeing Bruce pop out.

"Bruce! Oh thank for you just saved us so much time!" Robin thanked him, pulling him over to me. "Okay, uh- watch finneys arm and make Vance drink this, while I go get him a recovery kit." Robin ordered, filling a new glass and placing it in Bruce's hand, before he slowly walked away into a closed door.

Bruce grimaced awkwardly, trying to stay still. "Look dude, I know your drunk already just chill, I don't care." I muttered, retrieving a sigh of relief and a hand taking my arm.

"Holy fucking shitballs bro, what did you do? It looks like your arm got slashed open!" Bruce implied, pulling up my arm and touching the bloodied slash.

I didn't even have time to tell him how fucking dumb he sounded. "Dude, don't-" I pulled my arm away, "Do that!" Bruce rolled his eyes steadily, slowly moving away from my arm and taking the new glass in his hands, splashing it all over Vance.

Vance tensed up wearily, gasping at the new cold sensation on his features. Yet while he was gasping, Bruce shoved the glass halfway down his throat, making him swallow the water inside.

He groaned intently, steadying down on the chair again, as robin walked back into the room.

"I slashed it with glass, Bruce." I finally answered, rubbing the blood around in my arm. Vance scoffed as robin pulled on my arm, beginning to wipe the access blood off.

"That's sounds familiar, what's with you and getting scratched with glass, homeboy?"

Robin distantly hummed an incoherent melody, tapping his fingers along finneys arm, using them as set up drums. He came to a sudden stop, titling his head lightly as he pulled out cleaning alcohol.

"Oh yea, what did happen that one time, when you were in the hospital Yknow?" Robin interrogated, the slight sound of the songs tone coming back to place as robin swiftly began humming again, pouring the rubbing alcohol down on a tiny wipe.

"Yea, I remember." I answered, turning my head to face Bruce as I entitled him in on the information. "I, uh..Something happened, my glass table broke, and boom, shot to the heart." I implied, gesturing a gun motion with my hands, 'shooting' it at my scar as Robin pulled my hand back down a rubbed the wipe on the wound

He scoffed playfully, pulling at the loose curls in my hair as he grimaced. "I don't think your getting the hint here, angel."
"So, now that you guys are sober, we want to ask a question," I enlightened, breathing at a breath I didn't know I was holding. Vance rolled his eyes, ignorance in his tone. "Yea bro, whatever."

Bruce tilted his head, amusement suddenly fulfilling within him. Robin took a pack of Kools out of his pocket, lightening one in a swift movement and syncing it to his chapped lips.

"Which one of you did it." He interrupted, lifting his foot and tapping it against the chair leg he had been sat upon.

Vance and Bruce glance at each other, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"Wasn't me." Vance admitted, standing up from his chair and taking the cigarette from robins mouth.

"Bruce?!" Robin astounded out, looking almost amazed at the culprit. Finney kept his hands in a singular position, swayed along his chest as he watched Bruce slap Vance's head remarkably.

"Vance Charles Hopper!" He screamed, throwing his hands to his head gently as he plopped into the chair beside Robin. He could hear the bitter laughter robin was trying to hold in, utterly failing as the muffled noises came rolling out.

"SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU HOMO!" Vance hollered, coming after robin who slang back quickly in his chair, avoiding Vance's hands getting thrown his way.

"CHARLES?!" Robin laughed out, before springing out of the room as Vance grabbed a knife. I glared my eyes at them, before turning softly to Bruce.
"Bruce..why would you do post that on Instagram?"

I tried using a calm voice, but my voice ended up cracking anyway as the nervousness escaped. "Wait, what? I didn't post anything on Instagram." He contradicted, cocking an eyebrow slightly at the question.

"Wait, what?" An instant freshness of relief washed over me, calming my nerves a great amount. " I was talking about something else."

My smile increased brightly, but quickly faded again.

"But..who did it then?"

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