Fuck you, robin

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I stared at him in shock. Who am I kidding, of course he would do that. I knew he would be the type of person to do this, yet why did it hurt? Why had he done all that just to hurt me?

I felt tears threatening to fall. I gridded my teeth, looking up at the asshole laughing in front of me. My nose twitched, and it finally came through. A big, wet tear slowly dropped down my face. I stood up quickly, pushing him harshly. "Fuck you, robin." I stormed,  running into the bathroom as robin stared.

I sat and wept, feeling bad for myself.

Why did he hate me so much? Why did everyone hate my so much? What did I do?

I thought about it as I sat on the floor, until my puffy eyes go watery again.

Why had this hurt me badly? I didn't care about Robin or his goons, so why?

I sat in concern as I heard a distant knock on the door. I got up to answer , but hesitate. I wiped my eyes on my sleeve one more time, until finally unlocking the door.

It was robin. "I would not like to talk to you." I pleaded, slamming the door.

He caught it with his hand before it closed, holding it firmly. "Look, finney. It was supposed to be a harmless prank, I didn't know you'd get all faggot-like and get so ass hurt about it."

The words hurt, but they made sense. Robin would never have a crush on me, what was I thinking. Robin was just a heartless jerk with blistering thoughts of ruining peoples happiness.

I rolled my eyes cooly. "For your information, dickhead, I wasn't "fagging out," or whatever."

He raised his eyebrows looking away awkwardly. There was an awkward moment of silence before he finally spoke up.

"Look," He sighed, "Sorry." My eyes widening a bit, genuinely surprised he could have feelings. He had a pissed look on his face, but his eyes looked genuine.

He walked away slowly, but something seemed off about him. He seemed..


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