Don't underestimate me

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God please save me. We sat in the bathroom,robin putting a bandage on my leg. It was pretty awkward, because it was really close to...

He had his earbuds in on full blast, his could he even stand that? It sounded like it was breaking his eardrums. You do you ig tho, Robin.

"Move your leg." He scolded, removing me from my thoughts. I moved it, looking into the bathroom mirror. I wanted to be mad at him. I really did. But there was some sort of loose brain cell that refused to let me.

"Hey shitface?" I asked, bumping his arm lightly. He gave a quick "hm", not even looking on from bandaging. "Give me an earbud." I answered, trying to grab at it. He pulled away, holding onto it tightly in his ear. "No! I ain't sharing earbuds with you, no way." He said, lifting his gaze to me but quickly moving back onto the situation.

Selfish much.

"God, your such a jerk man." I scowled, pulling out my own. He smiled at that, seeming to like the new name. "Wow," I said, getting an intriguing idea. He pulled another bandage out, "What?" He asked. I smiled.

"I was beginning to think that you just didn't know how to genuinely smile." I nagged, snickering mildly. He rolled his eyes, losing the smile swiftly. "Shut the hell up, you rat." He implied, only adding to my smile. "Make me."

He stopped bandaging, standing up in front of me. "Look, you don't want to mess with me, kid." He scolded, grinding his teeth. I giggled, knowing how I had gotten to him once again. "And just don't underestimate me." I declared.

Robin walked into my bedroom taking of his shirt. "God damn, get the fuck out here while you change, I don't want to see that." Finney gagged, covering himself with his blanket.

Robin of course got annoyed . He rolled his eyes, walking into the bathroom. A couple minutes later he walked out, wearing finney's tank top. Finney noticed and dropped his phone to his side. "Seriously, man, stop wearing my clothes, you have your own!" He exclaimed, walking over to robin. Robin grinned slightly, but played along. "Well, you told me to put on a shirt!" He declared, smirking at the statement. Finney rolled his eyes in defeat.

He walked over to his bed, plopping down and getting back on his phone. Robin followed, also getting on the bed. "Hey finney," Robin complied. "Hm?" Finney responded, not looking up from his phone.

"I'm sorry, your just fun to tease," Robin said. This caught finneys attention. "Robin? Sorry for something? That's impossible." Robin rolled his eyes, smirking. "I'm not that heartless, Yknow."

"Prove it." Finney said, crossing his arms challengingly. Robin grinned moving closer. "I knew you would say that, so." Robin said, pushing his hands to the back up finneys thighs and the other at the tip of his back, picking him up bridal style. "Robin, what the fuck are you doing, put me down." Finney said, just getting ignorance from Robin.

"Look, I'm only mean because..I actually like you, okay!" He confessed, looking into finney's sullen eyes. Finney's heart pounded. "What?" He thought. "Robin likes me?" The idea was too much to take in. Robin smiled a gif and leaned in, causing finney to blush mildly. Their lips were inches apart. Finney closed his eyes and...

Robin dropped him on the floor, laughing.

Goddamnit, Robin.

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