Corazón p. 2

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I had to write a paragraph abt my fam 😭🖐️



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I did a thing 🤞🏻👨‍🦲

The salty tears ran down my face in a heartbeat of fright. That house stood in front of me, blazing my eyes with a burning sensation. Robin sheltered his arm around me, dragging me away from the sight of the old trash that I used to call home.

We hadn't even been here 30 minutes and i was already crying. You'd think a year would stop that from happening, but i guess not. Vance was leading our way to his beloved, very much missed pinball machine at none other than the infamous Grab'n'Go. To think about it, almost everyone just left to support me. Bruce, Vance, robin. Robin had a happy laugh at home, along with Bruce.

I smiled at the uneasy thought, making my lips quiver. It made me feel special. They really did all that for me. I just can't believe the would do that for me. My thoughts were quickly interrupted by Vance exclaiming, "We're here!" As he grabbed the door handle and barging into the doorway. "IM BACK MOTHAFUCKAS" He yelled, startling a toddler and making them fall to the ground, whining.

Bruce took griffin as he glided across the store, searching recklessly for monsters. Robin took my hand as he slipped his hood down his neck, placing our hands together in sync. "Finnneyyyyy~" He sounded, exaggeration flinging out of his voice. I smiled brightly at him as he began waltzing towards a door. "I have something for you." He muttered, rushing towards the bathroom door and swinging it open. I intended to mock him, reluctantly trying to let out a fake gag, but ended up with actually gagging. "Robin, the bathroom is dirty as hell, what do you-

I was interrupted by an abrupt kiss, robin blissfully placing his lips onto mine. I hummed in response, slowly gliding in and falling to the taste of his sweet tongue. I tried letting go for answering, but was swiftly pulled closer by his cold hands laid upon my cheek.We eventually let go with a string of saliva, making me plaster a certain peer on my face. "What was that for?" I questioned, smiling cluelessly as the boy let out a rigid yawn. "I'm just treating the birthday boy." He muttered, before peacefully stepping out of the cramped area, my hand laid in his.
We eventually left the store after a meltdown from Bruce, and a tantrum from Vance. You heard me right. Bruce freaked the fuck out because they'd didn't have the Khaotic Monsters—Vance freaked the fuck out because we were about to leave. Robin ended up having to drag Vance out of the store as he sobbed, and Finney had to comfort Bruce into leaving by saying, "we aren't mad at you because they don't have monsters" or something like that.

I looked at griffin awkwardly, earning a blank stare and a shrug of his shoulders. We made our way towards Bruce's humongous house, chats here and there coming out, but it was mostly silent. I started to dig my head into my thoughts. I looked forward to seeing my mom, but what would she think of me just showing up out of the blue one day? I've been gone for a whole year. I bit my lip harshly, trying to contain my sadness in front of the others. In expanse, I couldn't even compare to Finney. Both his parents are dead. He got bullied and beat Every. Single. Day. Here. And griffin. His mother would brutally beat the shit out of him after any and every minor inconvenience or mistake.

I couldn't compare at all.

After we had arrived to Bruce's homestead, I concealed myself to their personal sculpture room whilst the others lingered to the kitchen area. The Yamada family had a fair amount of family representations, along with tapestries lining the crevices of all the enlarged walls. I sat on a burch wood stool, crossing my arms around my stomach as I looked at the portraits. Bruce, Bruce, Bruce, Am-


Oh my god. Bruce left Amy for a year. He must've missed her so much. I feel so bad for him...but I can't focus on that. My family missed me too.. and I left them too. Ava, Mom, Dad. Biscuit.

"Holy shit." I mumbled, grasping my golden locks and jerking them down. "Ughh, GODDAMNIT." I cried out, stumping my foot against the stool as I pulled my hair. "GODDAMNIT BILLY"

"Yo, chill." I heard a faint voice clutter out, blocking out my broken thoughts from my fucked up brain. I glanced to the corner where the voice came from, almost jumping out of my skin as I saw an uncomfortable griffin drifting around the doorway. "Oh, shit- sorry man, I was just- ..mad." I staggered, scraping my cold fingers along the strands of hair I'd pulled out. "You sure, I mean, you sure you're okay?" Griffin questioned, taking a seat next to me and shooting me a worried gaze.

"Because, I'm here for you. I- I mean- uhh, I like, not in a weird way or- like-"

"Thanks grif." I cut him off, laughing full heartedly at his messed up stuttering. He began to giggle a bit, embarrassed of his misjudgment in words. I leaned in for a hug, straddling him softly as I felt the wariness of his embrace. His body heat lingered towards mine, sending volts up my spine.  But I felt a wet sensation on my cheek, making me release from the hug to see him planting a small kiss on my cheek, before bolting out of the room childishly.

"What even just happened?!" I thought to myself, cupping my cheek and grinning brightly. Griffin just gave me a kiss. Maybe this isn't so bad after all.
It was 11:50. Almost time for Finneys birthday surprise, and I was nervous. If I wasn't in a serious situation right now, I would be in the corner of the bathroom sobbing my eyes out in stress. But kisses come first.

Me and finn were laying on a guest bed...making out.

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