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      THE TOURNAMENT was now only three days away and when it arrived and the festivities, the realm would be notified of a new betrothal, one that would unite two great Houses. It was an arrangement that would benefit everyone involved, an arrangement that would be forever remembered by the realm.

       Alysanne Lannister was going to become a Princess Consort. She was going to unite her great House with the ruling dynasty of House Targaryen.

       She was going to marry Aemond Targaryen.

       She sat in silence at the small, intimate supper table occupied by her father, the Queen, and Aemond, who sat to her left, his head hanging and his plate empty. Neither had said a word to each other since they arrived earlier that hour nor had they said a word since they discovered the previous day what the queen was planning.

      Alysanne's father beckoned his daughter to his chambers to discuss something important. He explained to her in a very calm, careful tone that the queen had approached him that morning with an opportunity. Alysanne hadn't understood what he meant at first, not until he brought her to his writing desk and showed her the garment resting atop it.

       It was a golden marriage cloak. It was her mother's golden marriage cloak, bestowed upon her shoulders the day of her marriage to Alysanne's father. She understood at that moment what her father wished to discuss, but she hadn't realized who the other party was, not until she arrived at the small supper arranged by the queen.

       When she saw Aemond sitting at the table, his shoulders tense and his chin angled low, she understood. A sinking pit opened in her stomach as she slowly crossed the room and took a seat next to the prince, her eyes wide and her smile tense. She had listened in complete and utter silence as the queen explained that they would be wed at the end of the tournament. It was a short courtship, she said, but with the grandiosity of the tournament, it was the perfect time for such a celebration.

      Alysanne could not help but recall how her father had always told her that she would have a choice in the matter of her marriage. He had promised her entire life that she would be able to pick her husband so that she might endure a long, happy marriage, much like her parents.

       So why, now, did he revoke that promise? Why did he take the choice from Alysanne? She did not hate the idea of marrying Aemond, as she was familiar with him and he, of course, was her age, but still, her stomach was soured from the announcement. She had not eaten a single bite of her meal since her plate was filled by a servant an hour ago.

      Her food was cold now, her wine untouched as the queen and Tyland conversed in low tones, their eyes occasionally darting to their children. They were concerned by the lack of a reaction from both teens, but neither said a word. This betrothal was not up for negotiation.

𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖉𝖞𝖓𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖞, 𝐚. 𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧¹Where stories live. Discover now