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      CHAOS ENSUED, but the only thing on Alysanne Lannister's mind were sapphires

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      CHAOS ENSUED, but the only thing on Alysanne Lannister's mind were sapphires.

      All she could see as she sat before the queen and the rest of the royal family was Aemond's sapphire. The contrast of ocean blue against alabaster skin. The sight of scarlet streaks glimmering on the surface of the stone when he leered in her face, heartbreak glistening in his lilac eye, manifesting in the tears that rolled down his flushed cheeks.

      Her ears rang mercilessly as Targaryens and Velaryons fought, shouting horrible, vile accusations at one another in the common tongue and High Valyrian alike.

      Jacaerys and Aemond were nowhere to be seen and at Alysanne's side sat Aenora, her own trembling hands stained with blood, her silver hair a tangled mess as she snarled something vicious at Aegon.

      In the corner, Helaena sat doubled over, her hands clasped over her ears as she rocked back and forth, her grandsire hovering just behind her, suspicion darkening his gaze as he watched the chaos unfold. 

      Alysanne had long ago lost track of the time and all she wanted was for the fighting to stop. For so many years, that was all she had ever wanted.

      Her cheeks felt tight as she blinked slowly, her daze ebbing away as she slowly looked up at the queen, whose beautiful face was twisted with disgust and rage as she argued with Rhaenyra. She flinched when Aenora suddenly rose to her feet and cracked her fist across Aegon's face in response to what Alysanne could only assume was a nasty comment about the Velaryon princes given that she had no understanding of High Valyrian.

      Alicent whirled on her tempestuous daughter, bestowing a sharp slap upon her flushed cheeks without hesitation. Rhaenyra looked horrified as Aenora cradled her cheek, her jaw agape with shock as Alicent scolded her children.

      It was too much. All of it was too much.

      Her skin crawled as panic began to bubble within her chest, filling her limbs with a terrible tingling sensation, igniting the blood that pounded through her veins. She felt like she was going to combust if the screaming and the violence didn't stop.

      And combust she did.

      Silence fell over the room as Alysanne bent over and let out the most blood-curdling scream she could muster, blood coating her tongue as she clawed at her hair, hot tears sliding down her cheeks as she screamed.

       Her lungs seized when she ran out of breath, the scream ending abruptly as she struggled to catch her breath. The metallic taste of blood in her mouth was nauseating, but at least the chaos stopped.

      All eyes were on Alysanne as she slowly sat up, her vision distorted. Stars danced around the room as she swayed, a strange ache building at the base of her skull as she met the queen's gaze. Alicent looked horrified, but before Alysanne could say a word, her world turned black. 

𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖉𝖞𝖓𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖞, 𝐚. 𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧¹Where stories live. Discover now