𝟎𝟎𝟗. SIN CITY ⁽ ᵐ ⁾

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      ALYSANNE DID not have any expectations for what Aemond had planned for them that evening, but emerging from the dark corridor into the brisk night, only to make their way out of the castle walls and down the streets of King's Landing was not what she would have guessed was going to happen.

       Alysanne's heart was still thumping harshly within her chest from the thrill of evading the City Watch guards posted along the walls of the Red Keep, even as she and Aemond slowly made their way down the hill and into the chaos that was their capital.

       The prince remained close to Alysanne, his hand wrapped softly around hers as he guided her through the streets, his skin strangely warm. He walked ahead of her, his broad shoulders blocking the view of the city as Alysanne slipped behind him, narrowly avoiding a collision with a group of drunken men who laughed boisterously, their bare chests slick with vomit and ale.

      Alysanne's nose crinkled. She had never actually been to King's Landing before. She might have been born and raised within the walls of the Red Keep, but those walls were as far as she had ever gone on foot. Her father had never allowed her to visit the city, not that she had ever complained.

      She had never really liked King's Landing. So why Aemond chose to bring her out into the city that evening, she did not know.

      A strange grunting noise caught Alysanne's attention as the pair hesitated at the top of a dirty stairwell, the once beautiful stone steps tainted by the sins of the city. She peered around Aemond, her eyes widening when she spotted a couple grappling with each other in the dark alleyway adjacent to where they stood.

      What she was witnessing was dirty and unholy, and yet, she could not drag her gaze away from the pair, even as the man spun the woman around and pinned her body to the wall, his hands hiking her skirt up around her hips as he slid into her.

      A hot blush swept across Alysanne's face when she made eye contact with the woman, who let out the lewdest noises she had ever heard, drowning out the sound of skin slapping again skin.

      Aemond's hand tightened around hers as he yanked her away from the alleyway. "Pay no attention to that," he hissed, his silver brows furrowed as Alysanne wrenched her gaze from the promiscuous couple to look at the prince. She didn't hear what he said next, for her ears were still buzzing from the shock of what she had just witnessed.

      Alysanne knew what sex was. She knew a lot of things about the ways men and women pleasured each other and themselves, but she had never actually seen it. She had only ever heard stories, and the thought that Aemond might do to her what that man just did to his woman...

𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖉𝖞𝖓𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖞, 𝐚. 𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧¹Where stories live. Discover now