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       NO MATTER what she did, Alysanne could not rid her mind of all thoughts of the previous night.

      No matter how many times she tried to pleasure herself in the manner in which Aemond did, she could not achieve that same high. Nothing she did was able to ease the tight longing in her chest that squeezed the breath from her lungs each time she pictured Aemond's face as he curled his fingers inside of her. Nothing was able to tame the fires of her lust, not even her shame as it slowly filled her chest, drowning her with humiliation and indignity. Not even that suffocating, all-consuming horror was able to distract Alysanne from the one thing she wanted.


      She knew what she did was wrong. She understood it very clearly, but somehow, she could not banish those lewd, unholy thoughts, though she had succeeded in avoiding the prince for nearly the entire day. She feared, however, that it would not be long before he sought her out.

      He was so easily able to find her whenever he wished. It would not be long before he found her holed up in the library, a throw blanket draped across her lap as she lounged next to his twin, her eyes unfocused as she attempted to read the book spread across her lap.

      "Are you alright?" Aenora murmured, snapping Alysanne out of her daze. She looked up with a hum, her brows raising as she met Aenora's concerned gaze. "You have not turned a page in nearly an hour, Alys."

      Alysanne looked at her book, her cheeks reddening when she realized that Aenora was right. She had been so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn't even made it halfway through her favorite novel.

      Her lips folded inward as she thumbed the worn pages, her jaw grinding. "There is something I must confess," she began, her heart thumping as she stared at the words on the page. Aenora straightened, her book forgotten as she leaned closer to Alysanne. "Aemond and I...we snuck into the city last night."

      Aenora's silver brows rose in surprise. "You did?" she questioned, her voice soft. Timidly, Alysanne glanced at her friend, who was biting back a smile. "And what exactly did you and my brother do, Alys?"

      Based on the look in Aenora's eyes, Alysanne figured that the princess had an idea of what happened the previous night. She just wanted Alysanne to admit it. She was just like her twin in that regard.

      They always had to make things difficult.

      Alas, Alysanne made her decisions last night, and though she had tried desperately to keep her sins to herself, she could not keep this secret any longer. It weighed on her soul, suffocating her as the hours ticked by.

      She had never been very good at keeping secrets...

      She sighed. "We talked. We fought. We–" Alysanne cut herself off, her lips parting as the memories of Aemond's lips pressed against hers flooded her mind. Every inch of her skin tingled as she recalled the kisses she shared with her betrothed. "We kissed."

𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖉𝖞𝖓𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖞, 𝐚. 𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧¹Where stories live. Discover now