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      THE AGONY had become normal. Days passed and the horrible, burning pain that had taken permanent residence in Alysanne's body had become nothing but a constant, dull ache. Her muscles burned, her bones ached, and her heart...well, her heart was broken beyond repair.

      She had hardly moved from her spot on the lavish bed offered to her by Rhaenyra, as if a plush feather bed could ever make up for the horrors Alysanne had experienced at the hands of Daemon.

      His face was burned into her retinas. Every time her eyes closed, she saw him there, sneering at her, hatred and agony burning hot in his violet eyes. Nothing would ever repair the damage he had done, but after a few days, Alysanne couldn't take it anymore.

      Her joints ached from laying in one position for so long, and her body reeked of filth. On the fifth day, she rose, and without asking, a brass washing basin was hauled into her room. It took a while for the servants to fill it with water, but Alysanne was grateful nonetheless for the steaming bath.

      The water was almost cold now, its once clear composition turned murky from the filth Alysanne had scrubbed from her skin. She had scrubbed so harshly that she reopened her wounds, allowing her blood to trickle into the murky water.

      She sat with her knees hugged to her chest, her eyes focused on nothing in particular. So this was her life now... She had a feeling that she would never leave Dragonstone again, all thanks to Jacaerys.

      Her heart ached at the thought. Jace was supposed to be her friend. He claimed to love her, and yet he had subjected her to torture.

      She squeezed her eyes shut as nausea clawed at her throat. She did not want to think of that night again...

      Her attention was captured by the click of her door as it was pushed open, but she did not dare turn around. Her body froze, adrenaline coursing through her veins as a pair of soft footsteps rushed toward her, and it wasn't until Aenora's face slid into view that Alysanne realized she wasn't in any danger.

      She sagged the moment she met Aenora's gaze, her jaw tightening when she saw the tears that swelled in her violet eyes.

      "I should have never-"

      Alysanne rose her hand, silencing the princess before she could ramble some meaningly apology. "Stop," she whispered, her voice hoarse. "Just stop, Aenora." Aenora's brows furrowed as her mouth slowly closed. "Your words mean nothing to me."

      "I am still your friend, Alysanne. That much will never change, no matter who I declare for in this war." Her hand slipped into the basin, her fingers entwining with Alysanne's as the water soaked her sleeve. Alysanne watched as the liquid climbed up the fabric, slowly darkening the grey fabric until it was nearly black. 

𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖉𝖞𝖓𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖞, 𝐚. 𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧¹Where stories live. Discover now