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      That was all Alysanne felt as she stood on her balcony, the wind fluttering through her hair, the moonlight glimmering in the tears that welled along her lashes. The Dragonpit loomed in the distance, its heavy doors sealed shut after that day's tragedy.

       She wore a heavy golden dress embellished with delicate threads of crimson and scarlet that gave way to swirls of onyx and obsidian. It was the physical symbolization of the union of House Targaryen and House Lannister with its incredibly lavish and expensive design that was meant to draw all eyes to her body as she walked the aisle.

      It would have been a spectacular sight, but Alysanne was no longer going to be paraded before the masses. She was not going to walk down the aisle toward a bright, happy future. 

      Grief churned her stomach as she forced her gaze away from the Dragonpit. She had dismissed the handmaidens close to an hour ago, isolating herself as time crept on, inching closer and closer to the moment that would forever seal her fate.

      Once, she had been excited to become a Targaryen.

      Excitement was not what she felt anymore.

      The air had a strange chill to it as Alysanne turned away from the balcony, her throat constricting as panic set in. She was going to marry a kinslayer. She was going to bear him children, children that would further the Targaryen blood dynasty. 

       Just as her emotions reached a boiling point nearing catastrophe, her door was slowly pushed open and her attention was diverted from the disarray that was her future. Alysanne frowned, watching from her balcony as a dark-clad servant slipped inside, her eyes roving across the room as she tip-toed to the writing desk in the corner. Alysanne pressed herself against the stone wall, her heart beating harshly as the servant produced a small scroll and, with one final glance around the room, set it next to the inkwell.

      Alysanne stared at the scroll as the servant disappeared without a sound, her footsteps unnaturally silent. Only when her heavy door clanged shut did Alysanne slip into her room, brushing away the sheer curtains as she crept over to her desk.

      The scroll was sealed without a stamp, the obsidian wax glimmering in the candlelight. 

       With trembling fingers, Alysanne unraveled the scrap of paper, her nostrils flaring as she instantly recognized the messy scrawl of ink. 

I need to see you, Aly. One last time. By the river where we used to play.

      No. It can't be.

       He was supposed to be at Dragonstone, but...how could Alysanne possibly see him before the wedding? Her handmaidens were due to return at any moment to usher her to the throne room, and stationed just outside of her door were several Kingsguard and her own personal guard...

𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖉𝖞𝖓𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖞, 𝐚. 𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧¹Where stories live. Discover now