intermission; part five ⁽ ᵐ ⁾

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      VALYRIAN ECHOES bounced off the walls of the Red Keep as the Targaryen twins fought ruthlessly. Despite being behind closed doors, their furious shouts were audible all the way down the hallway.

      Alysanne hovered near the door, her head resting against the stone wall behind her as she patiently waited for the twins to resolve whatever petty feud they were in once again. The Kingsguard knight stationed outside of Aenora's door kept his gaze trained down the hallway, his exasperation clearly evident on his tanned face.

      Alysanne knew better than most how often the twins bickered, but this particular argument was quite bad. They had been locked in Aenora's room for close to an hour and Alysanne was growing impatient. She was supposed to attend her afternoon lessons with the princess...

      With a sigh, Alysanne stepped away from the wall and approached the knight, whose back straightened immediately. "If you have the chance, please tell the princess that I will be in the godswood garden."

      The knight nodded his head once, his silver eyes roving across Alysanne's face. "Of course, my Lady." She smiled warmly at the knight before she turned on her heel and strode away, her hands clasped behind her back. It was a warm day in King's Landing and though Alysanne wished that Aenora and Aemond would resolve their argument so she could spend time with her friend, but she would not let their quarreling ruin her day.

      She would go to the godswood garden and lounge beneath the sun, perhaps with a good novel to keep her company. She smiled at the thought.

      Her pondering was cut short as a figure darted around the corner and slammed into Alysanne, sending her crashing into the wall as the figure tumbled to the ground. She gasped as a sharp pain radiated through her elbow, which she cradled against her chest as she came to her senses.

       A low groan emitted from the chest of whomever had slammed into Alysanne, but before she could berate the man for his irresponsibility, he pulled the hood from his head and revealed a head of greasy silver hair.

       Alysanne blanched, her throat constricting the moment Aegon rolled onto his back and cracked his eyes open. They were bloodshot and his pupils were vastly dilated. He's drunk.

      Alysanne tried to force herself to greet the prince and apologize for stumbling into him, but her voice was frozen in her throat. Slowly, the prince pushed himself up, his eyes squeezing shut as he climbed to his feet. "Well hello," he slurred, his body lurching forward, his hand bracing himself against the wall next to Alysanne. 

       "Prince Aegon," she said softly, her hands balling in her skirts as she stared at the drunken prince. "How are you?"

      His tongue swiped across his lips. "Well," he hummed, his shoulder resting against the stone. Alysanne took a small step back, attempting to put some distance between herself and the prince. "You?"

𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖉𝖞𝖓𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖞, 𝐚. 𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧¹Where stories live. Discover now