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        AFTER THAT strange encounter with the prince, Alysanne found her way back to the spectator platform, pleased to see that most of the adults had filtered away, leaving the royal children and their sworn guards, including Ser Loren, who stepped into Alysanne's path with a scowl.

      "My lady." He tipped his head at the girl, who offered him a sheepish smile. "Your father is keen to relieve me of my duties should I lose sight of you again."

       Alysanne smiled apologetically at the knight. She rested her hand on his forearm, his metal armor cool to the touch. "Forgive me, Ser. I should have told you where I was going."

      Loren's scowl softened. "Indeed, my Lady. Every day you remind this old man just how old he is becoming."

      Alysanne laughed softly and gave Loren's hand a gentle squeeze as she stepped around him with another promise to be more diligent in keeping Loren alert. He was not tasked to watch her every move, but Alysanne knew that it comforted both him and her father when they knew where she was and what she was doing.

      Loren sank into the shadows along the wall, joining the Kingsguard knights that were tasked with keeping an eye on the rambunctious royal children. Alysanne was surprised to see all of the children present, even Aegon, who sat next to his wife, a wine chalice tipped against his lips.

      He caught Alysanne's stare and winked, his eyes crinkling when Alysanne looked away and darted to the other side of the platform. She had hoped that no one caught that gesture, but when she lifted her gaze, she saw the way Aemond was glaring at his brother. If looks could kill, Aegon would surely be dead.

      Aenora grabbed Alysanne by the forearms and dragged her to the railing with a delighted smile. "Look!" She pointed down at the arena, where a few mock fights were taking place. The main festivities may have concluded for the day, but it appeared that the small folk was not quite done with their entertainment for the day.

      Alysanne watched with a wide smile as a few squires fought each other with wooden swords. Her attention was quickly stolen by the soft hand that landed on her elbow. She turned around with a smile, already knowing who had approached her.

      "Prince Jacaerys." She gathered her skirts and curtsied low before the prince.

      "Ah, come now, Aly, we are friends. There is no need for that." Alysanne rose from her curtsy, her cheeks pink as she met the prince's gaze. Jace stepped up to the railing and peered down at the small fights taking place in the sand. Alysanne met Aenora's gaze from across the prince's chest, but the princess's attention was quickly stolen by the younger Velaryon prince, who bowed before his aunt with a cheeky smile on his sweet face.

      A servant approached with a platter of sliced meats and fruits as Jace started talking of his own training with a sword and how he had been improving greatly under the tutelage of his stepfather.

𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖉𝖞𝖓𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖞, 𝐚. 𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧¹Where stories live. Discover now