intermission; part four

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      IT SEEMED that having the largest dragon in the world wasn't the only thing about Aemond that was quite large.

      His ego had inflated tenfold from the moment he first laid a hand upon that massive dragon, and though he did a good job of concealing his pride from strangers, he could not hide his conceit from Alysanne.

      Lounging in a worn armchair by a flickering fire, Alysanne listened to Aemond's recollection of his day with a lazy expression, her cheek resting upon her fist as she gazed amicably at the enthusiastic prince across from her.

      Her eyes roved across his face as he spoke, noting the streaks of sweat that stained his temples and the gentle flush that turned the apples of his cheeks a rosy pink. From his stories, Alysanne deduced that he has spent the majority of his morning training with Criston, and when he wasn't in the courtyard with a sword, he was in the skies, his dragon beneath him and the expansive world stretched before him.

      Or so he stated. Aemond was rather theatrical in his retellings of his days, but Alysanne found it endearing. Her smile softened. He so rarely opened up in such a manner. It was a refreshing change from the usual stoic demeanor he carried.

      But there was something missing to his story. Alysanne shifted, her eyes dipping to the unclasped buckles of his expensive black tunic, through which she caught a sliver of his alabaster skin. He did not usually walk around in such a casual manner, and when her gaze drifted to his hair, she frowned upon seeing the tangles that knotted his silver locks.

      "Aemond?" she mused, her head cocking as the prince fell silent, his gaze drifting to Alysanne. He quirked a silver brow in response, earning a soft smile from Alysanne. "Might we discuss something other than Vhagar?"

      His eye immediately narrowed. "Am I boring you, sweet Alys?"

     She rolled her eyes. "No, Aemond," she sighed, her voice delicate as she thumbed the pages of her book as it sat forgotten in her lap, "I merely wish to hear you talk about something other than your dragon for once."

     He scoffed, his shoulders tensing as he swiveled in his seat to stare at Alysanne. "I ride the realm's largest and oldest dragon and you wish for me to not talk about her?"

      Slowly, Alysanne flipped her book shut, her lips pinched to restrain the amused smile that tugged at the corners of her lips. Of course, she was proud of Aemond for his feat in claiming Vhagar, but for the last three years, that was all he would ever talk about.

      "I admire your bravery in claiming Vhagar, Aemond," she paused to let him relish in the compliment for a moment, "however, why not discuss your excursion into the city instead?"

      Aemond froze, the joy seeping from his expression in an instant. "I beg your pardon?" he murmured, his voice suddenly tense.

      Alysanne frowned at his strange reaction. "Aenora told me that you and Aegon slipped into the city following your training this morning. I was merely curious about what the two of you did."

𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖉𝖞𝖓𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖞, 𝐚. 𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧¹Where stories live. Discover now