Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Seokjin's POV

The next day I woke up from my deep sleep. Opening my eyes and looking to my side, my husband is no longer there. That means he's gone. I saw something on the table beside the bed, there was a piece of paper and a credit card.

"I know you don't want to come here, but since you're here, buy whatever you want, it's a gift from me"

In a year of marriage, this was the first time he was this romantic. He never buys me stuff, but we often go out for dinner whenever he has days off, he's not this kind of person. But why is he suddenly like this to me. Was it because he was hiding something from me? Is that why he's bribing me?

I took my phone and looked at the time, it's already 8 am, he said he has a morning meeting, but isn't it too early for a meeting? Did he meet someone before the meeting? Aish why am I thinking about that, what's wrong with my head? It's all because of Jimin, he shouldn't have said something that made me think about it.

But strangely I even looked for his contact on my phone and contacted him. He's not picking up my calls, maybe he's in a meeting? Am I bothering him? But when I was about to hang up the phone, he picked up.

"Hello, what's wrong?"

"Are you in a meeting?"


"Why did you pick up my phone if you're busy?"

"Do you need something?"

"Hyung, you're in a meeting, I shouldn't have called you, I'm sorry"

"It's okay, if you need anything, just call me"

"I'm going to the mall after taking a shower, can we have lunch together?"

"Looks like my meeting will continue after lunch, so I'll be having lunch here".

"Oh ok hyung"

"Are you all right?"

"Yes I'm fine hyung, I'll hang up the phone, sorry to bother you hyung"

"It's okay, be careful"

"Yeah hyung, you too"

I hang up the phone and turn my body, making my stomach lay with my face diving into the pillow. I always like the smell of his body, even lingering on the pillow he sleeps on.

When everyone wants their partner to get pregnant, only he doesn't force me, he never even touches me without my permission, he just often holds my hand, but I don't mind that because what's wrong? I'm his husband. But he really never did anything else, never even kissed my forehead. I think my first and last kiss with him was when the priest officiated our marriage.

After taking a shower, I went to the mall across from the hotel. Walking alone there, I should be happy, because this is what I always do, moreover I have a credit card with me, I can buy whatever I want, but I don't know why I don't want to do it. I was just buying some ice cream and while looking at the pajama shop I remembered that it was me and he needed them so I went inside and picked out pajamas that fit him, he really likes monochrome, black always looks great on him.

I saw the fit, I think those pajamas really fit him. So I bought it. I can put on his pajamas that I wore last night.

After buying it I went back to look at other shops until without realizing it was already 1 pm and I haven't had lunch yet, no wonder my stomach is growling. But suddenly my phone rang, and it was Jungkook.


"Are you still there?"

"Yeah, I'm still here hyung, I lost track of time and was looking for a restaurant to lunch, what's wrong hyung?"

"I will have lunch with you"

"But you said, you have a meeting after lunch"

"It's okay, I want to have lunch with you, wait for me, I'll be there in a minute"

"Yeah, I'll be waiting for you hyung"

A smile appears on my face, for some reason I like him like this, he makes me confused and at the same time makes my heart beat erratically. I looked at the ring on my hand and couldn't stop smiling.

I chose a sushi restaurant, it was very busy maybe because it was lunch time, I told him I was waiting for him there, after ordering food, he didn't take long to come and approach me and sat in front of me.

"I already ordered it, do you mind?"

"No, you can order anything for me." He smiled at me, since when did his smile become so cute?



"Is it okay for you to have lunch with me?"

"Yeah, I already told my colleagues that I'm going to have lunch with my husband, after all my assistant is there"

"Your assistant? Is she here? Ah I mean, I didn't know she was here too".

Lisa, his assistant who is always flirtatious with him. I don't like her attitude like that, I like this because he is my husband and I think he knows that Jungkook is married, the ring on his finger is very clear.

"She's my assistant, of course she goes wherever I go, what's wrong Jin?"

"Nothing" I just looked at the ring in my hand.


"Hmm" I turned to him.

"Would it bother you if Lisa was with me?"

"Huh? Ah no, of course not, she's your assistant right?"

After lunch, we were walking out of the restaurant and I noticed his phone kept ringing, there were several incoming messages, I briefly read who sent it and it was from Lisa. Maybe she told Jungkook that the meeting would start soon.

"Hyung, please reply to the message first" But instead of replying he looked at me with a smile and took my hand, intertwined it and took me to a clothing store.

"Hyung why did you bring me here? You still have a meeting--"

"This suit looks good on you, do you like the color?" I just nodded.

"Tonight come with me for dinner with my colleagues, and wear this suit, you must be look so beautiful" I feel my cheeks really red like tomatoes at this time. He saw my hand, then he saw me.

"Have you bought anything?"

"Pajamas for you" He just smiled.

"I told you to buy something for you, not for me, I saw at your favorite bag brand they released a new model, don't you want to buy it?"

"But it is very expensive"

"You can buy it, whatever you want"

"Hyung, it's too expensive, even my parents will beat me up if I buy it with their money"

"But now I'm your husband, I'll buy it not your parents and I won't beat you up, buy it, after this I have to go back to the meeting place, is it okay for you to go back to the hotel yourself?"

"Yeah I'm okay hyung"

"Call me when you're already at the hotel" I just nodded and we left the shop. We parted ways in front of the shop, he looked at me as if he didn't want to leave me alone. But he still left and somehow when he left I felt like I was left by my parents in a strange place alone.

I passed the bag shop he meant earlier, I went in and saw their new model bag. The color and style really suits me but the price is 3500 dollars. Am I crazy enough to buy such an expensive bag? Not because my husband is rich and I can spend his money just like that. It's just a bag anyway.

I decided to go out and not buy it, I didn't want to spend the money. Nothing caught my attention anymore, so I decided to return to the hotel.

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