Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Seokjin's POV

Today me and Jungkook arrived in Italy, very tiring, long flights made me jetlagged. My body aches, my head hurts, I need more sleep. As usual, when we arrived we went straight to the hotel and went up to our room.

I dropped my body on the bed, completely exhausted. Until I heard a noise from Jungkook, he kept muttering making me look at him.

"Hyung, what's wrong?"

"Where did you put my laptop?"

"Huh? Your laptop?"

"Yeah, at the airport I asked you to hold it because I was going to the toilet, where did you put it?" My eyes widen, I'm dead!

"Hyung..." I approached him who was panicking looking for his laptop.


"I think I left it at the airport..."

"What?" First time for me to see his emotionless face. But he seemed to hold it in, he sighed and made a call to someone.

How stupid I was! Why can I leave his important belongings at the airport, this must be because I'm tired and not focused.

"I'm going to the airport now, sleep, don't wait for me" before I answered he was out of the room and left me. His face was so cold that even his voice was too. I made a big mistake.

I couldn't sleep until he came back, but it was late at night, my eyes had been closed many times to hold back sleep but how could I sleep soundly while my husband was panicking.

Then the door opened and he entered but without taking anything, kill me now please.


"It's okay, why aren't you sleeping? You must be tired, go to sleep, I want to take a shower first"

"Huh? Hyung.." I hold his hand but he just looks at me coldly.

"Jin, go to sleep, I've asked Lisa to make replacement materials for tomorrow" I let go of his hand when I heard that name.

I went back to bed and covered myself, I could only cry at that time, what an idiot I was, how could I be so careless? I kept crying, blaming myself. Until he suddenly hugged me from behind.

"Why are you crying? I'm sorry Jin, did I make a mistake?" Aish! Stupid! Not you but me! I cry myself. I turned my body and hugged him, buried my face into his chest and cried.

"I'm sorry hyung, it's my fault, I was careless, I was stupid for not taking care of your important things, I should have paid more attention to what you gave me, but I was really tired and sleepy so--"

"Sshh.. it's okay, I shouldn't be like that to you, you must be surprised by my attitude, I'm just nervous and scared because there are a lot of important files there, it's okay I know you're tired, this is my fault, I should have brought it myself, i love you Jin"

"Angry at me hyung, don't be like this"

"I'm mad but I want you to stop crying and hug me, I just need that"

How could that be? I lost his laptop which contains important files and he treats me like this? Just kill me! I deserve to die for letting this man down.
I hugged him tightly until I fell asleep.

The next day, I woke up but Jungkook was not in the room. I looked at the table, maybe he left a note but nothing, he also didn't say anything last night. Is he still mad at me?

I took my phone and called him, I knew he had a meeting but didn't expect it to be this early.


"Hyung, where are you? Why didn't you tell me you had a morning meeting?"

"I'm sorry, I must have forgotten to mention it, I was at the restaurant with Lisa, I have to see my meeting materials today"

"With Lisa?"

"Yeah, she helped me all night to make materials with her laptop"

"Ahh, yeah okay"

"Okay, come down for breakfast"

"Yes, bye hyung" my heart hurts so much, what kind of husband am I? I created a problem and someone else fixed it.

I took a shower and intended to have breakfast and meet him at the restaurant. But when I came out of the room, I saw a woman coming out of her room, her room wasn't far from me, but she didn't see me, I knew it was Lisa. She tidied her clothes and lowered her skirt which was slightly up as she left the room. Why did she do that? My heart stopped instantly.

I called Jungkook to make sure he wasn't in there.


"Where are you?"


"With Lisa?"

"Yes but--"

"I don't seem to have breakfast, so don't wait for me" I hung up my phone and went back to my room.

What is he doing in Lisa's room? Why is he lying to me? What's all this time.. are they both.. my heart hurts so much, I just sobbed while hitting my chest, because it hurts so bad. Why did you do this to me Jeon Jungkook..

I missed my breakfast, my stomach is very hungry and now I'm skipping my lunch. Jungkook hasn't come back yet. I stand on the balcony of my room. It turns out that this marriage was not that perfect. He's just like Taehyung.

I heard the sound of the door opening, I knew it was him but I ignored it.

He walked towards me the sound of his footsteps.

"Have you had lunch?"

"Not yet"

"Jin, are you crying?" He stood beside me and tried to see my face.


"Hey, what's wrong?"

"I'm just tired" I went inside and left him.

"Jin, tell me, what's wrong?" He followed behind me but I ignored him.

"Jeon Seokjin!" He snapped at me? I immediately stopped and tears streamed down my eyes. I turned to face him.

"You snapped at me?"

"You didn't answer my question"

"I should be the one asking you hyung, how were you alone with your assistant at the restaurant?"

"What? Jin, how long are you going to continue like this with her? I told you she's just my assistant and--"

"Then why did you lie to me?"

"Lie about what?"

"I saw her coming out of her room with her messy clothes Jeon Jungkook! You lied to me!"

"Are you accusing me of having an affair with her?"

"Answer me Jin!"

"Yeah! That's what you did behind my back right?"

"Did you see it? I don't think you saw me in the room with her, that's why you called me right? To make sure where I was? Then did you come down to the restaurant? I don't think so, if you came down at that time, you could see I was there with her laptop, I was with her but she took something left in her room and I stayed in the restaurant, she is my assistant and I came here for work and honeymoon with my husband, if I want to have an affair with her, I don't need to invite you to come here, calm yourself, I go first" he walked out of the room leaving me. Left me alone like a fool I was silent to hear what he said.

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