3) long day, night cuddles

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This idea is one I came up with myself. I've been sad lately and my girlfriend was talking about her fanfic and so here I am writing a new chapter of mine. Enjoy! And happy new year!

Pov Robin

"Have a good night Steve!" I yelled as I grabbed my belongings and rushed out before I could hear a response. Today was a special day. Today was the day a year ago that Nance and I started dating. Naturally this meant that I would spoil her. However Nance said she had something special in store. Heck if I know what that meant.

After half an hour of biking to Nancy's house from the family video store, aka my work, I was throughly exhausted. From work and from biking and just life itself. I basically threw my bike next to the garage and rang the doorbell. As I was waiting for someone to answer the door, hopefully Nancy, I thought about my day. It was pretty long to be honest. I started work at 8 in the morning and now it was... I looked down at my watch only to notice there was a huge crack in it. I tried to remember how that happened but I was interrupted by the door opening.

"Robin, hi. It's so nice to see you" I looked up and it was Mike. I just stared. Was that sarcasm? Was he being serious? "I really don't care to see you Robin, I was being sarcastic. Though I like having you around more than Steve so if that helps you feel better" Mike said before leaving me alone at the door. I shook my head before stepping inside and shutting the door.

"You can lock it, that would be helpful, thanks dear" I turned around to see Mrs.Wheeler tidying up. I didn't give a verbal response just a small nod and I locked the door. How did she know what I was thinking?  How did everyone always know? "She's upstairs in her bedroom" I nodded again before heading up to Nancy's room.

I made it up the stairs to see Nancy's door already open and the sound of soft music playing. I slowly creep in so she doesn't notice me. I see her dancing to a song I can't remember the name of but i know it's a new favorite. "Hi" I said nonchalantly and going to take a seat on her bed. "Robbie hi, I missed you" Nance said sitting next to me and pulling me in her arms.

We just stayed like that for a while. Her hands in my hair, the scent of vanilla filled the air and the soft music in the background. I focused mostly on her hands. They were soft and they smelt like flowers. She usually brushed her fingers through my hair when I came to see her after a long day. It was nice, it felt good.

"Dinner!" We hear Mrs.Wheeler shout. I groaned and turned to face Nance and hid my face in her chest. I didn't feel like eating, I wanted to sleep. I groaned again when Nance moved to stand up.

"Baby come on, you've got to eat" Nance said and I groaned once more refusing to get up. I heard her sigh before she stopped trying to pull me up with her. "I love you" she kissed my cheek and I smiled. "I love you too" I said before I heard her leave the room. I took the opportunity to climb further up in her bed. I slipped under the covers and let sleep take me away.

I felt the bed shift and I slowly opened my eyes trying to regain my sense of where I was. I looked to the left and it was Nance. She was taking off her bracelets and rings. A second later she was done and slipping under the covers with me. I smiled a big goofy smile.

"Hi" I said happy to see her face again.

"Hi back to you silly" she responded kissing me on the nose. I made a noise of protest and she kissed me on the lips. This made me smile bigger. "Promise you'll eat in the morning?" She asked and I nodded. It wast often the day took so much energy from me but it was a weird day. Well almost every day with Steve is a weird day.

"Cuddle" I said and that is what we did. Nancy wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close to her while I entangled our legs. "I love you" we said at the same time and giggled. I stole one more kiss before pulling her closer to me and closing my eyes.

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