5) oh no im falling in love

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A/N: Ronance is so Taylor Swift coded and so here is a one shot loosely (and I mean loosely) based on the song Labyrinth. I would also like to say I changed how the library scene went :)

Pov Nancy

I sat next to Robin at the library, we were looking through things to figure out who Victor Creel was and what happened that night. It was difficult to focus because whenever I looked over at Robin she was doing something so unbelievably cute. I turned my head to steal another glance at her and she had her tongue stuck out and was looking very closely at the screen in front of her. Oh no I'm falling in love.

"Hey Nance look at this" Robin grabbed my sleeve and I turned to look at the screen and the words, Elvis clones by aliens, came up on the screen.

"Robin that is not what we are looking for" I chuckled as she looked up at me before giving me a goofy grin.

"What Nance, don't believe in Elvis?" she asked nudging me. I nudged her back and she continued to scroll through as we hoped to actually find something. A few minutes went by and Robin got bored and went to walk around. I kept scrolling on a mission to prove I was correct about another theory and so we could do something to save Eddie and Max. I sighed, still nothing. I looked around trying to find Robin but she was gone. Oh no. I got up and started walking around peering around the shelves to try and find her and she was nowhere in sight.

"Robin?" I called out as I turned another corner. Where the fuck are you Buckley? I turned around and ran into a person and screamed.

"Hi Nance" Robin smiled sheepishly at me and I took a deep breath.

"You scared me you idiot" I said but I wasn't really mad at her. I could never be mad at her. She's so cute all the time and everything she does makes me melt.

"Sorry, I got lost" She laughed and smiled at me and I think that was the moment I knew. Uh oh, I'm falling in love, oh no, I'm falling in love again, oh, I'm falling in love again. "Earth to Nancy?"

"What sorry" I said looking at her. She just looked back at me and we stared at each other.

"Nothing, forget I said anything" Robin said and she went to turn away and I grabbed her arm and pulled her back, our faces now being inches apart.

"Hey, hey, Don't walk away from me Buckley. I got lost in your eyes. They are so pretty and you are so pretty Robin." I said trying to gauge a reaction and I smiled when her face turned red. "I like you Buckley"

"You-You what?" She stutter out her question clearly taken a back.

"I like you silly" I said again, "can I maybe kiss you?" I got nervous and almost wished I hadn't asked and we had gone straight back to work after she scared me but that was not an option now.

"Y-Yes" She stuttered out again and I leaned in and closed the distance.

Ronance one shots Where stories live. Discover now